Lets Talk Mass Effect 3 - SPOILERS!


Senior member
Feb 15, 2011
So yesturday I finished mass effect 3, and i got very mixed feelings, the thing is that iworked my ass hard trying to get the perfect playthrough in 1 & 2 and somehow i feel like igot hit hard in the balls in the 3rd.

It started good but something was missing, i felt ididnt have much choices, those forced deaths (Anderson, Legion, Udina, salarian consolar, mordin) just took away the sense of the whole mass effect franchise that is "choice" and the ending left me asking a lot of questions. lets talk about the endings -

1. Paragon/Controll (Blue Beam) - Shepard dies controlling the reapers making them to leave saving everyone in the galaxy but also destroying the mass relays ( no idea how the rest of spices get home but whateva)

2. Destroy/Renegade ( Red Beam ) - if you have less then 5000 readiness shepard destroys every organic & synthethic & dies ( normandy doors open but no one comes out ).

3. Destroy/Renegade ( Orange beam ) if you have more then 5000+ readiness only the synthethis get destroyed (ie. Reapers & Geth) - poor qurians just got along with the geth.

4. Synthesis ending (Green Beam) - everyone is turned into synthethics (half reapers - see jokers eyes when he steps out of the normandy) making the reapers leave but shepard still dies.

So in every ending shepard dies, why can't be a happy ending? and im not sure about the paragon ending, so shepard stoped them but did he also stoped the 50,000 cycle?

I enjoyed the game dont get me wrong, im a big fan of the mass effect universe but the closing chapter left me with unanswers questions and a littlebit despointed, Iguess i was too hyped.

P.S - Ididn't get so see how the quarians look like, anyone got around that?

Whats your take on the game?
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Dec 30, 2000
I didn't know all my levels made it over. It was actually pretty cool that I started off at level 26.

I also got a little teary eyed when it showed that I saved everyone of my crew members. Freakin awesome!


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
did you do all the side missions as well? it will probably take a few months of some more replays from a bunch of people to figure out if there is another ending

or bioware might have gone for the stephen king/sopranos ending


Senior member
Feb 15, 2011
did you do all the side missions as well? it will probably take a few months of some more replays from a bunch of people to figure out if there is another ending

or bioware might have gone for the stephen king/sopranos ending

I did all the side missions, scaned every planet, everything was pretty 100%. all squad mates were alive from ME2 etc.

In the manual it mentions 8 endings, i'm really curios about the rest.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
did you import a character from 2? i also read that the more crap you mine in 2 the better its for 3.

and EA/Bioware went too far. to get a higher readiness you have to play the iOS game


Dec 30, 2000
i also read that the more crap you mine in 2 the better its for 3.

and EA/Bioware went too far. to get a higher readiness you have to play the iOS game

Do you remember where you read that part about mining? I mined a lot in 2 and want to know how it affects the game.

EDIT: NM, I found it. All the ship upgrades that you used the mined minerals for, transfer over:

Gameplay Upgrades

Primary Ship Upgrades (Thanix Cannon, Multicore Shielding, Heavy Ship Armor) are transferred. Other ship upgrades or research upgrades provided by Mordin are not transferred.
Source: http://www.gamefront.com/mass-effect-3-what-changes-with-me2-save-file-transfers/

I also picked up the ios app. $7 but it isn't horrible.
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Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2005
did you import a character from 2? i also read that the more crap you mine in 2 the better its for 3.

and EA/Bioware went too far. to get a higher readiness you have to play the iOS game

Both Multiplayer and the facebook thing also grant higher galactic readiness.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
i'm playing 3 with a soldier now that started in ME1 and 2. i did all the side quests and high paragon. wrex and kaidan died in 1 and forgot who died in 2. mined some huge amount of minerals in 2. i'll see how it goes

also started another ME character who's a vanguard and about 2/3 done with ME1 but i gave up looking for every last bit of metal and turian dog tags and whatever. just doing the missions and side quests. and doing them in different order.

first time i did liara, noveria and then feros. now it's feros, noveria, virmire and liara is last. and on virmire i saved the salarian. i heard it makes a difference in 3


Senior member
Feb 15, 2011
did you import a character from 2? i also read that the more crap you mine in 2 the better its for 3.

and EA/Bioware went too far. to get a higher readiness you have to play the iOS game

Idid import my paragon character everyone was saved in the ME1 to ME2 to ME3, I'll start today another play throgh with my renegade shepard ( everyone died except kasumi) and see whats gonna change.


Senior member
Mar 10, 2004
and EA/Bioware went too far. to get a higher readiness you have to play the iOS game

technically Wrong. If you play out all the side missions and complete the proper objectives correctly you can reach the 100% level of available war resources without playing the DLC, MP, or the iOS game. 100% war assets and a 50% Global Readiness score according to the Prima Guide gives the same outcome as 100% war assets + 100% Global Readiness. The problem is if you make bad choices or can't figure out how the choice you make in SP will impact your War Assets score you can make up for this by playing the MP or the iOS game.
2 obvious ones are how you try to resolve the Genophage arc between the Krogans and the Salarians, or the Geth/Quarian homeworld arc. If you do it correctly (it may disagree though with your renegade/paragon choices though) you can have all 4 races as allies. If you mess it up you may only get one ally.
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Junior Member
Mar 8, 2012


Apr 29, 2001
Boom, just finished up tonight. Gonna play 1 through 3 again soon enough.
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Dec 30, 2000
Man, I luckily had enough reputation to save the geth and the bucket heads. And then Tali took off her mask and they didn't show us?

Anyways. I have 100% war assets and I still havea handful of side quests to complete. The game is very generous.


Dec 30, 2000
Best weapon in the game, the M99 Sabre assault rifle with damage and ammo mods and fire ammo. One shot, one kill.


Diamond Member
Jun 4, 2000
Well, if anyone played Arrival, when you destroyed one of the Mass Relays, it wiped out the entire system. So... shouldn't the synthesis ending (or one of the other endings) that made all the Mass Relay explode wipe out majority of the galactic population?


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Why doesn't Shepard or anyone recognize Legion after the Dreadnought mission? Is it even him? He has on the same piece of N7 armor.


Dec 30, 2000
Why doesn't Shepard or anyone recognize Legion after the Dreadnought mission? Is it even him? He has on the same piece of N7 armor.

In mine he did. However I read that if Legion died in your me2, then it is a replica.


Elite Member & Lifer
Aug 20, 2000
That was a pretty crappy ending. I was prepared for Shepard to bite the big one and not enjoy retirement with Tali at his side, but all three endings are silly. Yet another video game ending boiled down to "technology is bad".


Dec 30, 2000
The fact that nothing you did prior to the last 20 minutes of the game affects the ending? Complete dog shit.

I wanted a fallout ending. Show me my friends that have followed me across the galaxy for 3 games and what happened to them. You know, what happened to Miranda, Tali taking off her mask, wrex and his little krogans. Instead, they showed Joker, who never was in my party, hooking up with some robot chick who just joined my crew.

Bioware writers are assholes for the shitty ending they gave you.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2006
I beat the game last night, and did all three endings hoping one was better than the other. ITS NOT. Bioware didn't drop the ball they spiked it in our faces, saying pretty much deal with it, we were gonna end it how we wanted despite your choices. Fucking damn the end blows , i want a different ending but i doubt i would give them more money buying dlc to have a decent ending. Go to biowares mass effect 3 forum they are getting torn apart by fans.And rage187 if you have love interest in Tali she gives you a pic of herself without her mask. its at the end of the vid


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Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2001
Just finished the game. I haven’t been that letdown with an ending in a very long time. It’s almost like they just said fuck it when writing the ending of it.
I can almost handle Shepard dying
but I didn’t like how everything else just starting flopping around..
I’m still not sure how/why Joker and crew took off into a Mass Relay. Where were they going, and now with the Mass relays destroyed they’re stuck, seems pretty stupid.
All in all I can’t help but feel like I wasted over 100 hours with all three games just to get to that.


Jan 12, 2004

After completing the game and then reading up a little bit on masseffect.wikia.com and other internets, I have some thoughts and questions I'd like to discuss with you fine folks. (IE: I Don't claim to have any original thoughts here.)

ME1: Though mechanically flawed in it's gameplay--you know, suitable but not great--overall it's a goddamn fantastic game, and still my favorite in the series. Here we meet our first Reaper in Sovereign. A gigantic straship of almost unimaginable power, but with the help of 3 alliance fleets we eventually bring it down. And in doing so, by the game's end it evoked a feeling that I'd accomplished the impossible.

ME2: Man I love this one too. It begins with the imminent approach of thousands of Reapers, and it's a mad scramble to build a team of the unlikely to save the galaxy. Overall the game is focused but all over the place at the same time, and I sort of love that about it. Though it didn't feel as epic as ME1, it was a total blast. Also we get some insight into the Reapers and learn they're not as an impossible force to defeat as we once thought.

ME3: Here we see the Reapers die. Not only that, one is killed by a giant worm. Another is killed by Shepard's coordination of a few orbital laser beams from the side of a cliff. Certainly these were not the Reapers everyone spoke of, the god-like force that shows up every 50,000 years to cleanse the universe of riff-raff. None-the-less I thought it was a really great ride and despite what I say here I don't dislike the ending as much as others seem to. I actually rather enjoyed the fact that sacrifices are made and nothing things perfect, at least with my ending (Shep dies, Reapers die, saves Earth and Joker, .

I honestly felt the most emotional with ME3 and that's because a lot of questions are answered, 1000 year-old grudges are erased, apologies are made, and some severe scarifies are made (Mordin's and Thane's in particular were handled perfectly, I was really proud and sorry to see them go). However in the end I couldn't help but feel that the Reaper threat was sort of deflated instead of escalated, and that's a let down. For 5 years they seemed to get less and less imposing as we unraveled the yarn.

However I don't know how I feel about the super-AI (represented by the child) being our real foe. We're told “We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.” But why? Isn't the chaos also the beauty in the way organics evolve? How did this super-sentient beings come about? And how are the organics "already part synthetic"? We're part of an experiment I suppose, but WHAT EXPERIMENT? What planet were the father and daughter on? Was the entire series suppose to be the father telling a bedtime story to the daughter? He said one more story about "The Shepard" (I like that btw) and END SCENE. Does this imply a new series staring Shepard or just DLC? I HAVE QUESTIONS!!!

Overall it's A lovely series. The feature to have decisions carrying throughout all 3 video games is still a unique one, and it's an impressive feat I think they pulled off. This is still my favorite series to emerge from this console generation and I just adore it at this point. Yes ME3 answered a bunch of questions, but it also brought up more.

Again, I'm digesting. Your thoughts on the Reapers, the ending and the series overall?

U simply cannot understand the reapers cuss they're beyond ur simple understanding BRRRRRRRRRBRBRBZZZZZZZZZRRRBZ!

We're in ur bases killing ur...oh nooooos ur in ours!

"oh hai super-AI. y u no mention u da real threat?" -Shep
"How do I shot web?" -Reapers


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2002
haven't finished 3 yet

game wise 3 is the best. they got rid of all the grinding annoyances from 1 and 2 like looking for metal or mining crap and having to deal with the inventory

story wise it's nothing i haven't seen before. its a common literary device to have a lone hero who is right about his/her theory and his/her superiors are wrong and he/she goes on their own to find the truth against all odds

same with the unstoppable villains who are finally defeated by the hero at the end of the story. it wouldn't be a story without them being defeated


Jun 23, 2005
Why did Joker go into a mass relay at the end? Especially with it blowing up and all. I don't like that the relays all explode no matter what you do. I fought pretty hard to get the Quarians their planet back, I even sacraficed one of my favorite characters to make peace with the Geth so they could both return home together in peace. But both of their combined fleets with all their people were at the battle for Earth when the relays blew up. It was all for nothing? They lose their home just as they get it back? That feels like a cheat.