Interesting.... I wonder if IT jobs like mine would be like if PC's didn't exist? Would everyone still have dumb terminals on their desk, plugged into a giant mainframe or something?
I guess that the Internet would technically still exist, although web browsers probably wouldn't. E-Mail could still be popular, I guess, but I doubt that we would have the fancy instant messaging clients like we have today. I have a hunch that we're still doing most of our work on the command line, too, since most mainframe guys think that graphics are a "waste of system resources".
Microsoft probably wouldn't exist, but then neither would Google or Yahoo. Forget Apple and AOL as well, since their businesses were almost completely founded on the popularity of personal computers. Companies like Intel and AMD would probably be small time players, making things like flash memory for cell phones or whatnot. Oh... And everyone would hate mainframe companies like IBM, because THEY would the big evil computer monopolies that everyone would get forced into using. I bet that some of the OLD computer companies like Digital and Honeywell would still be in business, too.
Heh, thanks for giving me something to think about... I'm stuck at work doing a server upgrade today