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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2004
Originally posted by: yllus
Originally posted by: Quasmo
High score on a server with < 16 players = singularly unimpressive.

you got a point, the only reason it was funny was because the sever got updated before I did rendering my hit boxes usless so I could only die from knifings, I had a few knife fights.


Platinum Member
Aug 25, 2004
hi guyz b4 i play canz uu hhelp me pplz i ned to make this to a dot exer file. WOT DO U DO PLZ?

USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(ScoreAttrib) { updateLocalPlayer(); BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize); int idx = READ_BYTE(); int info = READ_BYTE(); vPlayers[idx].iInfo = info; if( cvar.alive_method==0) { if(info&1) { vPlayers[idx].setAlive(false); vPlayers[idx].clearPVS(); } else { vPlayers[idx].setAlive(); } } if(idx==me.ent->index) me.alive = ((info&1)==0); return USER_MSG_CALL(ScoreAttrib); } USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(ScoreInfo) { updateLocalPlayer(); BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize); int idx = READ_BYTE(); PlayerInfo& r = vPlayers[idx]; r.frags = READ_SHORT(); r.deaths = READ_SHORT(); if(r.frags<=0 ) { r.ratio=0; } else { r.ratio = (double)r.frags / ((r.deaths<=0)?1:r.deaths); } r.bestplayer = false; bool foundbetter = false; for(int i=0;i<vPlayers.size();i++) { if ( r.ratio < vPlayers.ratio ) foundbetter = true; else if( r.ratio > vPlayers.ratio ) vPlayers.bestplayer=false; } if(!foundbetter) r.bestplayer = true; if(idx==me.ent->index) { static int lastfrags=0; static int lastdeaths=0; if(me.headshots>r.frags || r.frags==0) { me.headshots = 0; me.hspercent = 0; bGotHeadshot = false; lastfrags = r.frags; lastdeaths = r.deaths; } else { if(bGotHeadshot) { ++me.headshots; } double den = r.frags ? (double)r.frags : 1.0; me.hspercent = (double)me.headshots/den*100.0; if(cvar.say_stats && (lastfrags!=r.frags || lastdeaths!=r.deaths )) { char tmp[128]; switch(cvar.say_stats) { case 1: sprintf(tmp,"say My Hack Kills[%d] Deaths[%d] Headshots[%d] HSPercent [%4.1f]", r.frags,r.deaths,me.headshots,me.hspercent); gEngfuncs.pfnClientCmd(tmp); break; } } } bGotHeadshot = false; lastfrags = r.frags; lastdeaths = r.deaths; } return USER_MSG_CALL(ScoreInfo); }

i ned ths 2 play guyz. Hu can programe me it plz. TY!


Oct 30, 2001
Originally posted by: Azzy64
hi guyz b4 i play canz uu hhelp me pplz i ned to make this to a dot exer file. WOT DO U DO PLZ?

USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(ScoreAttrib) { updateLocalPlayer(); BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize); int idx = READ_BYTE(); int info = READ_BYTE(); vPlayers[idx].iInfo = info; if( cvar.alive_method==0) { if(info&1) { vPlayers[idx].setAlive(false); vPlayers[idx].clearPVS(); } else { vPlayers[idx].setAlive(); } } if(idx==me.ent->index) me.alive = ((info&1)==0); return USER_MSG_CALL(ScoreAttrib); } USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(ScoreInfo) { updateLocalPlayer(); BEGIN_READ(pbuf, iSize); int idx = READ_BYTE(); PlayerInfo& r = vPlayers[idx]; r.frags = READ_SHORT(); r.deaths = READ_SHORT(); if(r.frags<=0 ) { r.ratio=0; } else { r.ratio = (double)r.frags / ((r.deaths<=0)?1:r.deaths); } r.bestplayer = false; bool foundbetter = false; for(int i=0;i<vPlayers.size();i++) { if ( r.ratio < vPlayers.ratio ) foundbetter = true; else if( r.ratio > vPlayers.ratio ) vPlayers.bestplayer=false; } if(!foundbetter) r.bestplayer = true; if(idx==me.ent->index) { static int lastfrags=0; static int lastdeaths=0; if(me.headshots>r.frags || r.frags==0) { me.headshots = 0; me.hspercent = 0; bGotHeadshot = false; lastfrags = r.frags; lastdeaths = r.deaths; } else { if(bGotHeadshot) { ++me.headshots; } double den = r.frags ? (double)r.frags : 1.0; me.hspercent = (double)me.headshots/den*100.0; if(cvar.say_stats && (lastfrags!=r.frags || lastdeaths!=r.deaths )) { char tmp[128]; switch(cvar.say_stats) { case 1: sprintf(tmp,"say My Hack Kills[%d] Deaths[%d] Headshots[%d] HSPercent [%4.1f]", r.frags,r.deaths,me.headshots,me.hspercent); gEngfuncs.pfnClientCmd(tmp); break; } } } bGotHeadshot = false; lastfrags = r.frags; lastdeaths = r.deaths; } return USER_MSG_CALL(ScoreInfo); }

i ned ths 2 play guyz. Hu can programe me it plz. TY!

OMG you fscking hack! i going to tell the ADMIN and he is goign to BAN YOU! you fscking HACKER!


May 1, 2005
Kitomaru: Spam spam spam!
Kitomaru: Spam spam spam!
Kitomaru: Spam spam spam!
Admin: STFU!!!
Kitomaru: Spam spam spam!
Admin: Thats it!!!
Admin has used Admin_llama on Kitomaru
Kitomaru: Ooooorgle!
Kitomaru: Bleeeeeeat!
Kitmoaru: Brawwwr
Admin: *shakes head*