...and Moonie is the driver.
England... YUK!Yes, well I'm going back to England them where the people are sane and drive on the left. God I miss my Mercedes conferrable that I drove from Italy and all over the UK. My background screen is of a hundred black and white cows that came to the barb wire fence along the highway when I stopped besides their field to see them. Just now the brown fields of California are starting to green up for a few months like England is year round. Green fields make me feel happy.
Cruz is the exhaust pipe.
England... YUK!
There be a place a bit west of there seemingly all over green and the scent of peat bringing into focus the peace and tranquility that exists now that the radical jihadist Catholics and Protestants finally understand that God don't do politics.
What I don't get about the Republican group running for President is their lack of understanding regarding the powers they'd have is or should be limited to execution of the laws the Congress makes and not their wants and wishes to adopt the crown and assume the divine right of kings...
Could you imagine Fiorina as president... Or Christy ... omg that is a bridge too far.
Mirror, mirror on the wall whose the one to get the call?... Hillary of course!!
Carson's a pyramid shaped console where you store your nutra-grain bars...
England... YUK!
There be a place a bit west of there seemingly all over green and the scent of peat bringing into focus the peace and tranquility that exists now that the radical jihadist Catholics and Protestants finally understand that God don't do politics.
What I don't get about the Republican group running for President is their lack of understanding regarding the powers they'd have is or should be limited to execution of the laws the Congress makes and not their wants and wishes to adopt the crown and assume the divine right of kings...
Could you imagine Fiorina as president... Or Christy ... omg that is a bridge too far.
Mirror, mirror on the wall whose the one to get the call?... Hillary of course!!
I think that would be a big hit at the county fair.It was a real fucking castle.
trumplestiltskin would be the most luxurious, gorgeous, garish spinning rims. All flash and zero function.
Doh, that's why she's the wiper.Of course all the emails about the coverup of the defective Hillary bags have been deleted.