I wouldn't disagree with that assessment, though some of the details in the article, specifically the claim that Canada is a former French Colony(partially true), seem a little off. Canadians are definitely more Liberal and have less concerns for Individuality, though in a contradictory manner seem less fearful of their neighbours choice of lifestyle.
We are fiscally Conservative these days, having had 5-6 years of budget surpluses on the Federal level and either being balanced or working towards balance on the Provincial levels. We are less concerned with Tax cuts, though small Tax cuts have been taking place, but much of the Surplus has been going back into restoring funding to programs that were cut in the '80's and '90's when tackling the Deficit became a major issue. Canada is primarily a Trading Nation and it's Economy is very dependent on Exports, especially to the US. Most Subsidies have been eliminated in accordance with NAFTA and other International agreements, making Canada a Free Market economy.
We value our Social Programs, specifically our Health Care program which has suffered under the struggle against the deficit. Now that the Federal government has put deficit spending behind it, some of the spending has been restored, though the Pre-Surplus levels may never be seen again it is doubtful that Canadians will settle for anything else than a National Health Care system. It, and other Social Programs, may end up being tweaked with the introduction of a mix between Public and Private concerns, but the basic system will likely remain intact.
Canada has always let it's Military drift into insignificance during Peace times, though at times of crisis such as the 2 World Wars, Canada has contributed it's fair share and more. During Peace times Canada has contributed to every UN Peace mission. NATO has often been critical of Canada's commitment of resources and so has the US, but oh well, Canada has few aspirations of Power compared to other Industrial nations. I suppose one could conclude that Canadians are Idealistic( I would like to think)concerning International Relations, tempered by Fate's or God's blessing us with an influx of '60's "Hippies" from the US, the last significant American Idealists. That's not to say that the Hippies control or unduly influence Canadian Affairs for Canada's policy was much similar prior to their arrival, it was more of a confirming event than a changing.
Settlement of the West was also significantly different from the US. Unlike the relatively violent settlement that occurred in the US, Canada's settlement was rather peaceful. Also different was that the Hudson's Bay Company(one of the oldest and one of the first Capitalist based Corporations in the world) laid the groundwork for Canadian settlement. The Hudsons Bay Company was primarily concerned with the trade of furs with the Indians(Natives) and earned the Natives trust through fair(relatively) treatment and developed good relations(relatively depending on tribe) with the various tribes. Other than a handful of incidents, bloodshed was avoided.
Forgive me if I left some details out(I left a lot out), but this is all from memory.
Also sorry for the long assed post, but it's Canada Day and my patriotic fervor is higher than usual.