preslove Lifer Sep 10, 2003 16,754 63 91 Aug 17, 2010 #1 Any tips on how to emulate Hugh Grant and Eddie Murphy? Lame parody is lame and Divine Brown wasn't a tranny, just a hooker. ATOT Moderator ElFenix Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2010
Any tips on how to emulate Hugh Grant and Eddie Murphy? Lame parody is lame and Divine Brown wasn't a tranny, just a hooker. ATOT Moderator ElFenix
preslove Lifer Sep 10, 2003 16,754 63 91 Aug 17, 2010 #6 DesiPower said: parody win or parody phail? add poahl Click to expand... the poahl is already there, isn't it?
DesiPower said: parody win or parody phail? add poahl Click to expand... the poahl is already there, isn't it?
The Boston Dangler Lifer Mar 10, 2005 14,647 2 0 Aug 17, 2010 #7 wasn't being this lame against the rules?