LCD refresh rate issue


Golden Member
Oct 19, 2000
I have a question about how LCDs deal with refresh rates.
I have an IBM T20 with a really nice 14.1" LCD that will do 100Hz refresh rate @ 1024x768. when I connect it up to my port replicator, the external monitor goes nuts because it cannot handle that high of a refresh rate.
Do LCD displays get affected the same way as CRTs? I set my refresh rate down to 70Hz and I can barely tell the difference. Anyone know a way to make the refresh rate change when you dock?

Thanks and sorry if these are idiotic questions. I've been a CRT man too long. Laff.


Oct 9, 1999
The refresh rate on a laptop only referrs to the frame rate. On a CRT its both max frame rate and screen refreshes, because a CRT is scanned line by line. A LCD is solid and constantly updated, albeit a bit slower.

To prove it, take your CRT, set it to 60hz, and wave your hand in front of it. You should see your hand pretty choppy.

Now do it in front of an LCD at 60hz, nice and smooth.