- Feb 29, 2000
- 2,836
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1. Yes, tax deals have been posted intermittently for weeks, and some variation of this deal has been posted before. Cry me a river.
2. This deal, unlike the staples deal, features items that are actually in stock.
3. This deal also saves you an additional $5 that previous deals did not. However, you can only take advantage of that if you do this by tomorrow (Friday). If you don't do this by tomorrow, it can still be done, but you'll have to pay sales tax.
The Deal
You can get H&R Block TaxCut Deluxe (which does NOT have the evil spyware found in TurboTax), TaxCut State, and Kiplinger's Home & Office Attorney for FREE after rebate, or even make a few bucks depending on your state sales tax. This is relatively idiotproof. Just follow the steps below. See the very bottom of this post for some notes on this deal.
1. You need to obtain the $25 off $75 code for Office Depot. Due to forum rules, I can't tell you what it is. However, I can tell you it is a "referral" code, not a coupon code. I suggest you Jump On these Deals immediately. This offer expires Friday. After that, you can still use the $20 off $75 code. All you'll be out is the sales tax.
2. Once you have applied the $25 off code to your account -- which you must do first -- add the following items to your cart. I suggest using the "order by item #" link at the top of the page. Add:
Item #: 484849
TaxCut Deluxe 2002
Item #:484867
TaxCut State 2002
Item #:484912
Kiplinger's Home & Business Attorney
(See note below about other software options.)
3. Once you have added those three items to your cart, your cart subtotal will be $79.89. After the $25 off code is subtracted, your grand total will be $54.89, PLUS whatever sales tax you are charged. Shipping (which means next-day delivery in most major cities) is FREE.
4. Print out the following rebate forms. Note that even though these forms link to the Staples site, they are manufacturers rebates that absolutely CAN be used at OfficeDepot (or anywhere.) PRINT THESE OUT RIGHT NOW. You never know when they will disappear.
$5 rebate on TaxCut Deluxe 2002
$24.95 rebate for TaxCut state AND $29.95 rebate for Home&Business Attorney
(Many rebates for other programs listed on this page too. See below for details.)
5. Here's the deal break down. Regardless of your state tax, you're going to end up making a few pennies.
$24.95 -- TaxCut Deluxe 2002
$24.95 -- TaxCut State 2002
$29.95 -- Kiplinger's Home&Business Attorney
$79.89 (subtotal)
-$25.00 (coupon code)
-$24.95 (TaxCut State rebate)
-$29.95 (Kiplinger rebate)
-$5.00 (TaxCut Deluxe rebate)
Grand total: A profit of $5.01. But don't get too excited. You likely have to pay sales tax.
Some questions and comments:
Q: Doesn't TaxCut Deluxe come with a "free" state edition? Why am I buying one?
A: Yes, you can download the same software from the taxcut web site, and get the same $24.95 rebate. However, you're buying it here so you can get over the $75 hump to use the coupon code. Note that you CANNOT get two copies of TaxCut State -- one here, and one downloaded. You only get one rebate.
Q: Does this price include electronic filing?
A: Yes, after rebate. You will pay to file one return electronically, and then you'll get the money back in a rebate.
Q: Can I prepare more than one return?
A: YES, you can prepare as many as you want. However, you only get to file the first one for free.
Q: What about all the other free software on that Staples page -- McAfee, Norton Firewall, some whacky check writing software....
A: Yes, yes, yes. All of that stuff is "free after rebate," and you can buy as little or as much of it as you want. HOWEVER: A lot of it is out of stock at Office Depot (Microsoft Money, for instance.) Other stuff, like McAfee and Norton, are a combination of regular rebates and "upgrade" rebates. Bottom line is that you're going to be laying out a LOT of money. If you want to do it, and you need the programs, by all means go ahead. I just assume that many of us already have those programs. As for Kiplinger's Home & Business Attorney -- This is actually a pretty nice program, and I highly recommend it. Well with the rebate hassle.
2. This deal, unlike the staples deal, features items that are actually in stock.
3. This deal also saves you an additional $5 that previous deals did not. However, you can only take advantage of that if you do this by tomorrow (Friday). If you don't do this by tomorrow, it can still be done, but you'll have to pay sales tax.
The Deal
You can get H&R Block TaxCut Deluxe (which does NOT have the evil spyware found in TurboTax), TaxCut State, and Kiplinger's Home & Office Attorney for FREE after rebate, or even make a few bucks depending on your state sales tax. This is relatively idiotproof. Just follow the steps below. See the very bottom of this post for some notes on this deal.
1. You need to obtain the $25 off $75 code for Office Depot. Due to forum rules, I can't tell you what it is. However, I can tell you it is a "referral" code, not a coupon code. I suggest you Jump On these Deals immediately. This offer expires Friday. After that, you can still use the $20 off $75 code. All you'll be out is the sales tax.
2. Once you have applied the $25 off code to your account -- which you must do first -- add the following items to your cart. I suggest using the "order by item #" link at the top of the page. Add:
Item #: 484849
TaxCut Deluxe 2002
Item #:484867
TaxCut State 2002
Item #:484912
Kiplinger's Home & Business Attorney
(See note below about other software options.)
3. Once you have added those three items to your cart, your cart subtotal will be $79.89. After the $25 off code is subtracted, your grand total will be $54.89, PLUS whatever sales tax you are charged. Shipping (which means next-day delivery in most major cities) is FREE.
4. Print out the following rebate forms. Note that even though these forms link to the Staples site, they are manufacturers rebates that absolutely CAN be used at OfficeDepot (or anywhere.) PRINT THESE OUT RIGHT NOW. You never know when they will disappear.
$5 rebate on TaxCut Deluxe 2002
$24.95 rebate for TaxCut state AND $29.95 rebate for Home&Business Attorney
(Many rebates for other programs listed on this page too. See below for details.)
5. Here's the deal break down. Regardless of your state tax, you're going to end up making a few pennies.
$24.95 -- TaxCut Deluxe 2002
$24.95 -- TaxCut State 2002
$29.95 -- Kiplinger's Home&Business Attorney
$79.89 (subtotal)
-$25.00 (coupon code)
-$24.95 (TaxCut State rebate)
-$29.95 (Kiplinger rebate)
-$5.00 (TaxCut Deluxe rebate)
Grand total: A profit of $5.01. But don't get too excited. You likely have to pay sales tax.
Some questions and comments:
Q: Doesn't TaxCut Deluxe come with a "free" state edition? Why am I buying one?
A: Yes, you can download the same software from the taxcut web site, and get the same $24.95 rebate. However, you're buying it here so you can get over the $75 hump to use the coupon code. Note that you CANNOT get two copies of TaxCut State -- one here, and one downloaded. You only get one rebate.
Q: Does this price include electronic filing?
A: Yes, after rebate. You will pay to file one return electronically, and then you'll get the money back in a rebate.
Q: Can I prepare more than one return?
A: YES, you can prepare as many as you want. However, you only get to file the first one for free.
Q: What about all the other free software on that Staples page -- McAfee, Norton Firewall, some whacky check writing software....
A: Yes, yes, yes. All of that stuff is "free after rebate," and you can buy as little or as much of it as you want. HOWEVER: A lot of it is out of stock at Office Depot (Microsoft Money, for instance.) Other stuff, like McAfee and Norton, are a combination of regular rebates and "upgrade" rebates. Bottom line is that you're going to be laying out a LOT of money. If you want to do it, and you need the programs, by all means go ahead. I just assume that many of us already have those programs. As for Kiplinger's Home & Business Attorney -- This is actually a pretty nice program, and I highly recommend it. Well with the rebate hassle.