laptop spill!


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Well today i was sipping on a nice orange gatorade beverage and i somehow managed to knock it over for a second and some of it spilt onto the laptop keyboard. I didn't think much of it at first, grabbed some power towels it really wasn't that much. I am playing a video game while this happens, i clean it for a few mins play for a few more minutes then stop to clean to the buttons again. While pressing them down i look up and my video starts up- huge glitches and lines appear and i quickly shut down. Ofcourse being very stupid, i decide to power up after a few minutes and it boots... but the screen stays black. Did i just ruin my 1,000 hp laptop? So far i've spent the last hour trying to clean it out. I tried to pop off some of the keycaps but it is extremely painful watching myself popping them out cause it feels like im breaking them. The windows key that i popped out for a minute doesn't look like it's exactly like it was before so i stopped. What else can i do? I was thinking of unscrewing the whole back and taking it off (this is a hp dv6000) as in removing the front keyboard/case, but it seems like just unscrewing the 15 screws doesn't do it. How can i take it off? So if anyone has still been reading up until this point, what else can i do to make sure my laptop starts? how long should i wait before turning it on?


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2004
I would remove the KB and let it dry for a few DAYS and clean it with some alcohol and swabs. You are correct, the last thing you want to do is leave the battery in or even turn on a machine that has been exposed to liquid


Senior member
May 19, 2007
0 wife spilled milk on our HP DV6000 laptop.. worked for a little while after, but then the screen went black... it never worked again :)

Luckily we had the accidental damage protection warranty......unfortunately it was HP who had to fix it...3 repairs later we had a brand new upgraded laptop :)


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Originally posted by: RadiclDreamer
I would remove the KB and let it dry for a few DAYS and clean it with some alcohol and swabs. You are correct, the last thing you want to do is leave the battery in or even turn on a machine that has been exposed to liquid

i managed to find a service manual and i took off the entire keyboard. Under it i didn't really see any liquid. I did have a sticky cable though (the black one that connects to media keys). How should i go about cleaning it with alcohol? what can i touch and what can i not touch? and by days you mean.. 1, 2, 5?


Nov 4, 2004
clean w/e you can with a qtip and rubbing alcohol. it will dry by itself...take a good look around, he means 1 day at least for drying letting it be.


Senior member
May 19, 2007
The drying thing only works if no components are already fried....If you had turned it off completely when it happened and was still working then you'd have a pretty good chance of success..

But since you say it's screwing up now...while it still may work fine...I wouldn't hold much hope in it... sorry..but I do hope it does work out for you.


Senior member
Sep 4, 2004
Against all odds i must say, for some reason... the laptop works! Everyone i talked to told me to start looking for a new laptop already. All i did was take off the keyboard flip it over and let it dry for aproximately 36hrs then used alittle alcohol on the metal inside to clean off anything sticky. It seems to be running scotch free right now, but is there a possibility there might be some long term damage?


Nov 4, 2004
Definitely a possibility of long term damage...but the damage is done, no use crying over spilled.... :p Very happy to hear it worked out for you so far, lucky you are!


Oct 27, 2007
you got liquid on the motherboard, you need to start putting money aside for another laptop. yes, there is long term damage from any liquid contacting a live circuit.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2004
Nowwhere does he say he got liquid on the motherboard. He got liquid on the "hotkey" cable and that appears to be it. Alcohol is your best friend in these instances, along with some cotton swabs. The alcohol will clean pretty much anything and dry quickly.

If its ok now, it may have just been a tad bit of moisture left on some contacts. If it lasts a week or so you can be pretty sure its ok


Junior Member
Feb 2, 2008
Hi there:

I am not sure how but my 8 year was able to pop-off one of the keys of out HP dv6000 laptop. Before I start messing with the keys i was wondering if some had any experience replacing the keys.

Also if one could direct me to a service manual that would be awesome too.

Thanks in advance.