Its that time of year again--college is starting up, and its time to buy a new laptop.
I've got about 1200 bucks to burn, although I could go a bit higher if need be. AMD seems to be the way to go in my price range, as the Duron/Athlon performance beats out the equivalent Celeron/P4 performance. So far, I've looked at CUSA and BB, and like HP's Athlon 1.2ghz system for 1199/1299 pretty well. Also, I found a 1400/1600+ on pricewatch for only around 1100, although I'm not sure I'd trust the site with the purchase of an entire laptop.
So what do you guys recommend for my price range? Speed is good. Low weight would be nice too.
Oh, and maybe a good graphics card? (GF4) 
So what do you guys recommend for my price range? Speed is good. Low weight would be nice too.