This is rather old news, and I already searched, but I had happened to mention it today to someone and he thought I was just joking cause it is such a stupid program. I couldn't think of a more wasteful use of funds. They whine about their funding all the time and cut this program that gives $2500 college money to every student in MI that passes the MEAP test, which is pretty easy test, a lot of people pass if they try. I think that is a damn good idea.
I wouldn't even discuss how those computers are gonna operate with 6th grade owners. I mean us AT guys know our stuff, but just think of all the software getting messed up, spyware, EVERYTHING lol.
Laptop to every 6th grader:|
edit: I hate that dumb cvnt governor Granholm.
I wouldn't even discuss how those computers are gonna operate with 6th grade owners. I mean us AT guys know our stuff, but just think of all the software getting messed up, spyware, EVERYTHING lol.
Laptop to every 6th grader:|
edit: I hate that dumb cvnt governor Granholm.