Laptop for every 6th grader in Michigan


Oct 11, 1999
This is rather old news, and I already searched, but I had happened to mention it today to someone and he thought I was just joking cause it is such a stupid program. I couldn't think of a more wasteful use of funds. They whine about their funding all the time and cut this program that gives $2500 college money to every student in MI that passes the MEAP test, which is pretty easy test, a lot of people pass if they try. I think that is a damn good idea.

I wouldn't even discuss how those computers are gonna operate with 6th grade owners. I mean us AT guys know our stuff, but just think of all the software getting messed up, spyware, EVERYTHING lol.

Laptop to every 6th grader:|

edit: I hate that dumb cvnt governor Granholm.


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: eagle
This is rather old news, and I already searched, but I had happened to mention it today to someone and he thought I was just joking cause it is such a stupid program. I couldn't think of a more wasteful use of funds. They whine about their funding all the time and cut this program that gives $2500 college money to every student in MI that passes the MEAP test, which is pretty easy test, a lot of people pass if they try. I think that is a damn good idea.

I wouldn't even discuss how those computers are gonna operate with 6th grade owners. I mean us AT guys know our stuff, but just think of all the software getting messed up, spyware, EVERYTHING lol.

Laptop to every 6th grader:|

What a waste. Calculators are not even needed at that age.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
People need to get over this idea that computers = magic formula for better education, although I would dispute the premise that calculators are not needed in the 6th grade


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: tnitsuj
People need to get over this idea that computers = magic formula for better education, although I would dispute the premise that calculators are not needed in the 6th grade

Once skills are mastered, it is ok to use a calculator. Otherwise the calculator just becomes a mental crutch one has to rely on.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Sorry guys I disagree with you on this one. 6th Grade is the right age for integration and introduction to the Technology.

Why else do you think the rest of the world is pulling away from the U.S.?

There are kids on 6th Grade in India and Japan now that can write their own version of Windows and that is excatly what they are going to do while the U.S. says that the kids can't even turn on a Calculator yet, give me vcking break, let's get with the program here.

Why the hell has the U.S. become so anti-technology and anti-computer?


Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Sorry guys I disagree with you on this one. 6th Grade is the right age for integration and introduction to the Technology.

Why else do you think the rest of the world is pulling away from the U.S.?

There are kids on 6th Grade in India and Japan now that can write their own version of Windows and that is excatly what they are going to do while the U.S. says that the kids can't even turn on a Calculator yet, give me vcking break, let's get with the program here.

Why the hell has the U.S. become so anti-technology and anti-computer?

6th grader writing an OS, I dont think so.

I am not against technology, I just beleive the basics must be mastered before introducing technology to make the job easier. Very little math that is taught at high school level really requires the use of a calculator.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Sorry guys I disagree with you on this one. 6th Grade is the right age for integration and introduction to the Technology.

Why else do you think the rest of the world is pulling away from the U.S.?

There are kids on 6th Grade in India and Japan now that can write their own version of Windows and that is excatly what they are going to do while the U.S. says that the kids can't even turn on a Calculator yet, give me vcking break, let's get with the program here.

Why the hell has the U.S. become so anti-technology and anti-computer?

Time for another Urnialysis?

So, do India and Japan give **GIVE** laptops to 6th graders in PUBLIC SCHOOL? Those child progidy types go to private schools... and their parents pay for the laptops because they don't believe watching Judge Judy and Everybody Loves Raymond creates a good future.


Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison
I am not against technology, I just beleive the basics must be mastered before introducing technology to make the job easier. Very little math that is taught at high school level really requires the use of a calculator.



Diamond Member
Dec 9, 2001
Originally posted by: dahunan
and their parents pay for the laptops because they don't believe watching Judge Judy and Everybody Loves Raymond creates a good future.

i disagree on that one. I don't know about India but I'm almost certain that other industralized countries are getting the same problem as we do in the US: a lazy, fat generation of kids. Not every Japanese/German/Indian students are scholars or programmers.

Maybe america is a little worse than average, but it's certainly not *that* bad as some portray it... I bet a lot of japanese kids are playing with their PS2s all the time instead of studying all the time.


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: dahunan
and their parents pay for the laptops because they don't believe watching Judge Judy and Everybody Loves Raymond creates a good future.

i disagree on that one. I don't know about India but I'm almost certain that other industralized countries are getting the same problem as we do in the US: a lazy, fat generation of kids. Not every Japanese/German/Indian students are scholars or programmers.

Maybe america is a little worse than average, but it's certainly not *that* bad as some portray it... I bet a lot of japanese kids are playing with their PS2s all the time instead of studying all the time.

While it is true that their civilization is degrading like ours .. it is not nearly as bad...

My girlfriend who is Taiwaneses says they used to call America --A Children's Paradise - LOL



Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: charrison

I am not against technology, I just beleive the basics must be mastered before introducing technology to make the job easier. Very little math that is taught at high school level really requires the use of a calculator.

Well said.


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
Well if standardized test scores in Michigan start going up in the next few years, I think we'll be seeing a lot more laptops in classrooms.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dahunan
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Sorry guys I disagree with you on this one. 6th Grade is the right age for integration and introduction to the Technology.

Why else do you think the rest of the world is pulling away from the U.S.?

There are kids on 6th Grade in India and Japan now that can write their own version of Windows and that is excatly what they are going to do while the U.S. says that the kids can't even turn on a Calculator yet, give me vcking break, let's get with the program here.

Why the hell has the U.S. become so anti-technology and anti-computer?

Time for another Urnialysis?

So, do India and Japan give **GIVE** laptops to 6th graders in PUBLIC SCHOOL? Those child progidy types go to private schools... and their parents pay for the laptops because they don't believe watching Judge Judy and Everybody Loves Raymond creates a good future.

The "Giving" away of the Laptops is a different issue. If you've read any of my posts you would know I am not a bleeding heart Liberal and would use any means possible other than shouldering the expense on Taxpayers.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: alphatarget1
Originally posted by: charrison
I am not against technology, I just beleive the basics must be mastered before introducing technology to make the job easier. Very little math that is taught at high school level really requires the use of a calculator.


Guess you guys have not been around any children the last 6 years or so. There is a plethora of "Toy Computers" that I have been impressed with the creativity and inventivness of the Children's Toy manufacturers in having many Products that develop the "Basic" skills needed to Navigating and typing on a Computer.

Not only that there are many "Learning Games" for the PC that many Parents that have more than one PC and not afraid of that machine getting accidentally trashed by a wandering toddler that may hit a sequence getting the PC out of the Program mode.


Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
The School my Nephew goes too requires them to have laptops in the 5th grade. This is his second year having one and he is still a Moron so while it may help some it doesn't help all. Hell by the time they are 18 Computers and software will be so more advanced than they are today that what they've learned on these laptops will be antiquated.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
I think a more useful idea would be to beef up computer education courses and make them manditory.I am amazed at the number of Master's degree prepared profesionals that cannot perform simple computing tasks who are in the workforce today.


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
They should save the money and reward teachers with high salaries when the percentages of students getting high grades increases substantially, showing that the teachers are doing thier jobs well. You can equip students with the highest technology in the world, but if they don't know what to do with it what good is it? I see lots of children getting real good at gaming and dumber than dirt in the basics. Technology tends to make people lazy. IMHO