When I have the cdrom and the hd hooked up on separate controllers it won't recgonize both??I have the hd as the master on the primary and the cdrom as the master on the secondary..It won't show them both at the same time..If I unhook the cdrom..the hd shows up..if I unhook the hd..the cdrom shows up..very strange..any ideas?? Also I have the ata100 raid disabled in the bios.
The jumpers have been checked on both devices. Cable select and selecting master for the jumpers have both failed. Tried clearing CMOS. gotta figure this out or a trader is gonna beat the tar outta me
The jumpers have been checked on both devices. Cable select and selecting master for the jumpers have both failed. Tried clearing CMOS. gotta figure this out or a trader is gonna beat the tar outta me