kt133a - someone fill me in...


Senior member
Dec 6, 2000
Okay could someone please tell me what this is...I haven't been in the scene for quite a while and I'm planning on building a new system soon so I need to know if I have to wait until this thing is released. I read the whole tidbit on kt133a boards on anandtech.com but I'm still a little confused. Mainly I just want to know if they are compatible with all the t-bird chips out there. I'm planning on getting a 1ghz t-bird, so will this be compatible with the kt133a boards or will I have to get all the LATEST stuff to be compatible. I don't know what all this 200mhz fsb, 266mhz fsb stuff means, sorry!! Help me out, thanks!


Senior member
Feb 11, 2000
Unless I am mistaken,

KT133 = 100FSB
KT133a = 100 or 133FSB

1Ghz TBird I think still only comes in 100FSB, 133FSB to follow.
It will run on a KT133a.
The question I want to know is if you unlock a 1Ghz 100FSB TBird & change its multiplyer to 7.5 will it run OK on a 133FSB = 1GHz.

The 100/133 is on a DDR bus, effective 200/266 I believe.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2000
CAMS wrote: The question I want to know is if you unlock a 1Ghz 100FSB TBird & change its multiplyer to 7.5 will it run OK on a 133FSB = 1GHz.

I think I remember the post anandtech wrote about all this says that you can...