My kr7a-raid board functioned flawlessly with a 1ghz chip overclocked to 1488mhz. I just installed a xp1800+(1.53mhz), and cannot run anything processor intensive. After many crashes, I am now getting fatal exception errors. All bios settings to the best of my knowledge are correct. My guess is something is getting pushed harder with the multiplier settings for the xp1800, or possibly a bad chip. I know better than to jump at the bad chip idea, but i'm still looking for a solution in my bios. Memory checks out ok. chip passes all tests, and most other simple things have been checked. Any ideas.......please jump in.
My System..........
XP1800+ AMD
Corsair PC2100 (256m DDR)
Abit KR7a-raid
W.D. "BB" series drives x2
Abit Siluro GF4MX card (64m DDR)
Usual other stuff
I'm now back to my 1ghz chip to operate, and all Norton tests, and burn-in tests show all componants good. ANY HELP OUT THERE ????
My System..........
XP1800+ AMD
Corsair PC2100 (256m DDR)
Abit KR7a-raid
W.D. "BB" series drives x2
Abit Siluro GF4MX card (64m DDR)
Usual other stuff
I'm now back to my 1ghz chip to operate, and all Norton tests, and burn-in tests show all componants good. ANY HELP OUT THERE ????