Yes, they are. Make sure you do not have an "extra" standoffs installed. They will short out (ground) the mobo to the case. (That's a very bad thing!)
Here's what I do when installing a mobo. Remove ALL standoffs from the case. Put mobo in case. "Hold it in place" with your hands in the postiion it'll be in when installed. Peek thru all the mounting holes in the mobo to find the corresponding holes in the case where the standoffs go.
Remove mobo. Install standoffs. Put mobo back in and make sure that for every mounting hole, you have a standoff directly underneath it. If you installed 9 standoffs, and when peeking thru the mounting holes, you only see 8, then you installed one standoff inthe wrong hole. It's easy to make a mistake as most cases have many different patterns of holes to accomodate all the diff mobo standards. Good luck.