AlwaysWong: Hehe... My english is perfect and my chinese >was< unbearable, until I got a taiwanese g/f. I think she helped me get it up to at least tolerable.
Anyways, a couple people mentioned having the surgery done... I've never heard of someone doing this before. All the asians that I know who grew up here have normal english. The ones that came when they were teenagers have accents. What medical reasons are there for this procedure? I always thought that accents were there because your tongue has been trained to do stuff a certain way.
But, come to think of it, I remember in 2nd grade... my reading teacher gave me some words to pronounce and I remember having some problems... I can't, for the life of me, remember what these were. My god, that was a long time ago... I'm surprised I still remember that incident.
BTW, my g/f's got a korean accent (she came when she was around 16) and I personally think it's cute...