So... to continue on this... this is the first time i'm overclocking anything and i wanna know if what i'm doing (or rather gonna do) is wrong.
I don't have my video card yet so i'm gonna start this later this week (hopefully). so 1st my rig
AMD Athlon 3500+ Newcastle
1GB Knigston KVR DDR400 (...)
Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe 1.02
Antec TruePower 430W PSU
Maxtor Diamondmax 9 S-ATA 160GB
Pioneer DVD-RW 108D
Leadtek PX6600GT (ordered)
ok... i got a 120mm fan in the front blowing air in, two 80mm fans in back, blowing air out, and an additional 80mm fan blowing air out of the side panel.
What i am planning to do is simply lower the multiplier to 9 then go up in steps of 5 Mhz of the HTT. i was wondering if i could leave the voltage setting to AUTO and if that'd get them up if needed. for the memory, i was wishing to put it up to 233Mhz (should i do this... and if so, is it done through the voltage?). Should I do these changes through the bios or through the AI Booster
I would also like to know if the 1002 bios is alright or if i should change it (i've heard of stability problems with the 1003.002). and should i disable the Cool n Quiet feature?
last thing i can think of is... should i overclock my video card and... how do i do that?
thanks a lot