I just got two sticks of DDR2700, and it will not post. Not even a beep at 133fsb. The system works fine with the cheap s$%t DDR 2100 I have now. Why? Has anyone had this problem. Oh yea I am running the latest Honey X Bios. Any assistance will be greatly appriciated.
XP2600+ @ 2400mhz (150X16)
K7S5A V1.0 (Yes 1.0)
512 DDR2100 (2.5 CAS, and thus the new purchase)
Maxtor 40gb X 2 (Raid 0)
SB Live
XP2600+ @ 2400mhz (150X16)
K7S5A V1.0 (Yes 1.0)
512 DDR2100 (2.5 CAS, and thus the new purchase)
Maxtor 40gb X 2 (Raid 0)
SB Live