Kingston Hyper X SIS 735


Senior member
Jun 8, 2003
I just got two sticks of DDR2700, and it will not post. Not even a beep at 133fsb. The system works fine with the cheap s$%t DDR 2100 I have now. Why? Has anyone had this problem. Oh yea I am running the latest Honey X Bios. Any assistance will be greatly appriciated.

XP2600+ @ 2400mhz (150X16)
K7S5A V1.0 (Yes 1.0)
512 DDR2100 (2.5 CAS, and thus the new purchase)
Maxtor 40gb X 2 (Raid 0)
SB Live


Apr 9, 2003
I guess you could try using only 1 DDR and see if it will boot.
Maybe you need to clear the Cmos and boot with the new ram?
Maybe you need to update the bios?
Does your board support 2700?
Does it support Kingston?

I hate SIS... I'd keep the ram and get another motherboard.
Man.. the crazy BS I had with them and my Audigy sound card..
never again.. never.. =/

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The 735 doesn't have official PC2700 support, but it should be expected to detect the memory and run it using PC2100 settings. Possibly you need to set it manually in the BIOS though.

As always, before blaming anyone else, blame Creative for any problems with a Creative product. It's usually their fault more than someone else's.

The Cheepo BIOS at is also good for the K7S5A. :) Find it in their forums. Last updated in February.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2003
Okay, I cleared the cmos, and installed only one stick. It booted and I was able run it with CAS 2 and Normal settings at 133. If I tighten the timeing to Ultra it will not post. This sucks a$$. The cheap DDR I have now will run Ultra with CAS 2 at 133. The Hyper X will not run at 166 even at CAS 3. Why did I purchase it? Now I will have the tear the system apart, and replace the motherboard on a perfectly good system. Its personal. Well it is about time I replace the motherboard anyways :).

XP2600+ @ 2400mhz (150 X 16)
K7S5A V1.0 (Yes 1.0)
512 DDR2100
Maxtor 40gb X 2 (Raid 0)
SB Live

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The K7S5A isn't known for perfect stability and compatibility. Overclocking to 166MHz memory isn't guaranteed to work no matter how good the memory is. Did you try the Turbo setting? (Or Fast or whatever, I forget what options it has.)

Are you sure it's even the memory that is the limit? You may just have a CPU that can't handle that high a bus speed (don't know if the particular BIOS you're using allows you to set the memory and FSB completely independently; none that I've seen for that board do). Running the memory faster than the CPU bus is rather pointless though.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2003
My brother installed some Generic DDR2700 on my system, and I was able to get to 133/166 at CAS 2.5, and 150/150 at CAS 2. Well I thought if it worked with cheap DDR then a semi decent DDR should work 150/150 at CAS 2. Anyways that was the plan. So I purchased some Hyper X that will not work, and my brother will not trade. Hell he wont even let me try the New DDR on his system :-(. I am starting to think that the K7S5A only likes Generic Memory.

I tried a combination of every setting in BIOS to no avail.

XP2600+ @ 2400mhz (150 X 16)
K7S5A V1.0 (Yes 1.0)
512 DDR2100 (CAS 2.5)
Maxtor 40gb X 2 (Raid 0)
SB Live

Lord Evermore

Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Well, sometimes that does happen. Even Corsair had a problem with some of their modules not working with Canterwood boards until they modified the SPD timings (though I consider that an Intel issue, not the fault of Corsair). It may be that the tolerances on the Kingston are such that the crappy K7S5A signals won't work, but the generic memory is able to work but you're not getting the best performance out of it because of errors and stuff. :) Time to upgrade.


Apr 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Lord Evermore
The 735 doesn't have official PC2700 support, but it should be expected to detect the memory and run it using PC2100 settings. Possibly you need to set it manually in the BIOS though.

As always, before blaming anyone else, blame Creative for any problems with a Creative product. It's usually their fault more than someone else's.

The Cheepo BIOS at is also good for the K7S5A. :) Find it in their forums. Last updated in February.

LOL.. it's the SIS chipset with onboard sound that was killing the Audigy card.
It would see the card fine.. just the sounds would go insane and make crazy