so, there's a newly opened middle eastern grocery store in my town. i stopped off there tonight on my way to my friends' house to pick up some seeds (middle eastern pumpkin seeds and pistachios). i decided to buy a hookah because it looked pretty sweet and i've used one before and enjoyed it.
so, the clerk is explaining how to use the hookah and how to clean it and whatnot and in walks this fat, unkempt, slovenly white guy wearing a st. louis rams starter jacket and mardi gras beads. he walks in and says, "hey everyone!"... then he lifts up his mardi gras beads to reveal a black shirt with "GO BACK HOME" "ALWAYS REMEMBER 9-11" "FVCK ARABS" on his shirt. he was not normal... he spoke erratically and kinda shrill... he definitely had some kind of mental disorder.
the clerk goes right back to explaining what to do and i keep a lookout on the guy with the corner of my eye. the clerk said, "don't worry... we get these kinds of people all the time..." and continues explaining. i looked at his jacket pockets and one was weighted much heavier than the other... i was kinda scared that the guy was going to pull a gun or something.
he continued being a nuisance talking about how they helped pay for 9-11 and whatnot. i got the hell out of there and stood outside with my cell phone in hand making sure to call 911 if anything started to go down. nothing happened and the clerk told him to gtfo and pointed outside. he walked out, but not before he knocked over a rack of postcards and gave everyone the finger.
i went back in and helped them clean up. i was pretty freaked out, though... still pretty upset about the whole situation.
- i went to a brand new middle eastern grocery store in the area
- nutjob comes in wearing a very racist, anti-arab shirt (i'm not an arab, by the way... i'm persian)
- freaks me out because he obviously had some kind of mental disorder
- was afraid he was going to pull a gun
- left the store and waited with phone in hand in case something went down
- clerk told the guy to gtfo
- guy left and knocked over a rack of postcards on his way out and gave everyone the finger
so, the clerk is explaining how to use the hookah and how to clean it and whatnot and in walks this fat, unkempt, slovenly white guy wearing a st. louis rams starter jacket and mardi gras beads. he walks in and says, "hey everyone!"... then he lifts up his mardi gras beads to reveal a black shirt with "GO BACK HOME" "ALWAYS REMEMBER 9-11" "FVCK ARABS" on his shirt. he was not normal... he spoke erratically and kinda shrill... he definitely had some kind of mental disorder.
the clerk goes right back to explaining what to do and i keep a lookout on the guy with the corner of my eye. the clerk said, "don't worry... we get these kinds of people all the time..." and continues explaining. i looked at his jacket pockets and one was weighted much heavier than the other... i was kinda scared that the guy was going to pull a gun or something.
he continued being a nuisance talking about how they helped pay for 9-11 and whatnot. i got the hell out of there and stood outside with my cell phone in hand making sure to call 911 if anything started to go down. nothing happened and the clerk told him to gtfo and pointed outside. he walked out, but not before he knocked over a rack of postcards and gave everyone the finger.
i went back in and helped them clean up. i was pretty freaked out, though... still pretty upset about the whole situation.
- i went to a brand new middle eastern grocery store in the area
- nutjob comes in wearing a very racist, anti-arab shirt (i'm not an arab, by the way... i'm persian)
- freaks me out because he obviously had some kind of mental disorder
- was afraid he was going to pull a gun
- left the store and waited with phone in hand in case something went down
- clerk told the guy to gtfo
- guy left and knocked over a rack of postcards on his way out and gave everyone the finger