kinda hot: back-up your Verizon Wireless contacts


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2003
For all you Verizon Wireless users:
Log into your MyAccount on, scroll down to where it says MyContacts on the right, and click the Manage My Contacts link.

taken from the website:
You'll receive free Back-Up Protection so you never have to worry about losing your phone's contact list.
As a My Account member, Back-Up Protection will let you automatically retain a copy of your saved phone numbers to a secure web site, so they're always available if you lose or upgrade your phone.

Note: The $1.99 monthly fee that you are asked to accept will be waived as long as you remain a My Account customer. You will not see a charge for this service on your bill.

the website has directions on how to back-up your contacts list through Get It Now.

This is hot for anyone who's ever switched phones with their verizon service, and knows how much of a pain it is to add all of your contacts to the new phone (because verizon doesnt use SIM cards)


Senior member
Oct 13, 2006
Originally posted by: seepy83
This is hot for anyone who's ever switched phones with their verizon service, and knows how much of a pain it is to add all of your contacts to the new phone (because verizon doesnt use SIM cards)

Actually all Verizon dealers I've gone to have a cable they use to "suck" the contact list out of, and transfer it staight into the new phone. Of course this is given your phone isn't broken and won't turn on...My wife even had a clamshell that the entire top was severed from, but the unit would still power on, and they were able to transfer the old contact list to the new phone. Pretty amazing, but we consider that a pretty lucky scenario.

Still pretty hot though, no one wants to add 50-500 contacts individually should something go wrong... -_-


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2000
This would have been awesome 3 months ago when my phone died, oh well.


Platinum Member
Nov 12, 2003
Originally posted by: Cyn
Actually all Verizon dealers I've gone to have a cable they use to "suck" the contact list out of, and transfer it staight into the new phone.

i've never asked them to do it, but a few people i know have had it done in the past and they were charged $10-$15 to have one of verizon's techs do this. that might depend on the store though?


Senior member
Oct 13, 2006
Originally posted by: seepy83i've never asked them to do it, but a few people i know have had it done in the past and they were charged $10-$15 to have one of verizon's techs do this. that might depend on the store though?

Ouch! No this was a free service, and the last time I had it done it was at Circuit City. Maybe Verizon brand stores operate differently. That's kinda a harsh business practice though if they charge to transfer your contacts.


Senior member
Apr 22, 2000
I've always done it myself..but this is a really nice feature for a few reasons..

-I'm too lazy to backup my contacts on a regular basis onto my computer, this will do it automatically once a day, or on demand.. so if my phone falls off a cliff i dont lose everything since my last backup (which would probably be about a year old)
-You can 'sync' your contacts, meaning if you make a change on the web-interface, it will sync them to your phone.. this is the best part i think, especially for someone with a new phone who needs to add a lot of contacts
-My local store charges the $15, and if I switch phones I usually go without contacts while I wait for my cable to come from an auction site unless I'm preemptive <right> :)

Thanks OP.. it works great. And maybe if I'm as lucky as Paris, my contacts will get stolen and I'll feel famous. :)
