I needed to be somewhere at 6:00 this morning and when I looked out the window towards Manhattan, I saw a crescent moon and either Jupiter or Venus to the right of it. Just like what it looks like in an Islamic flag.
I don't know why but it really disturbed me. >>
Where was the moon? Was it virtually on the horizon? Or was it farther up in the sky? If it was on the horizon, the star you saw was Venus. If the moon was farther up, the one you saw could have been either Jupiter or Saturn, I believe. In a few years, you'll actually be able to see the rings of saturn perfectly with a telescope for a measely one day out of the year.
What the hell is going on? All this crap is happening with signs and crap everywhere similar to other things in reality. The so-called faces in the smoke (both), the moon/star, the number codes, prophesy, etc... I'm a little worried, now: I can't remember whether I left the mayo on the counter or put it back in the fridge. :disgust: