K8n neo2 Platinum Voltage Settings


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2003
Hi guys,
I was wondering if anyone could validate the settings for the neo2 platinum's bios.
It offers you vcore settings and then it offers you +% of vcore settings as two options.
Does the board always calculate voltage off of the two options? So if you changed vcore to 1.5v and set +% to 0, then you should have 1.5v?
Or does it always base voltage off the cpu id regardless of what you set the vcore to? I am not sure, because every time I reboot I seem to get a slightly different range of voltages and temperatures reported by the board.
Another thought: Is the +% settings an allowance or tolerance that you are setting that the cpu can utilize if it needs it? That would make more sense for the slight variations that I see and coincide with the built in auto oc'ing functions in the board.

I guess what I'm really looking for is a best practices/proper way to set the voltage controls.
Thanks guys.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Yes....But then the board undervolts so you liklely will only see 1.43-1.44v actual....

Set it 1.5v then give it 3.3%....should be = 1.55v but you will likley get 1.47-1.48v

Set it 1.5v then give 5%...should be = 1.575v but you will likely get 1.52v

Set it 1.5v then giveit 8.3%...should be = 1.625v but you will likely get 1.57v

Set it 1.5v then give it 10%...should be = 1.65v but you will likely get 1.60-1.61v

See somewhat of a pattern?? I wish they had the missing 6.7% options so I can get the 1.54-1.55v actual....

1.5+10% is fine on most system air cooled as long as cooling is decent and case cooling is decent...


Junior Member
Jan 5, 2005
If that's the case, don't know exactly why my system would post but not boot with:
- CPU Voltage Vid = 1.525
- CPU Core = 0%

As mentioned accuratelly, this board seems to undervold. Currently I'm running Prime95 and monitoring with Sandra Environment Monitor wizard. CPU Voltage Vid is set to 1.5v and CPU Core is set to 8.3%. Sandra reports min=1.54, avg=1.56, max=1.58.

Neo2 Platinum Manual just does not mention these two settings (just CPU Voltage), which I assume must not have been part of the original bios.

Great topic.