my friend has a kt7a and is running a athalon 750 with a gorb on it applied using artic silver 2. has 2 wd hdd's 30 gig and 6 gig, a cdrom and a burner, sound blaster live value, voodoo 3 2000 (gets really hot), a dlink nic and 256meg pc133 micron ram (pretty new). he used to have some older ram in there before, so we took that out but he gets hard locks, sometimes booting win2k, sometimes playing a game, seems that its only when under stress. i thought it must be the power supply because he had a 250, and it wasent amd reccommended.. so he went out and got a full tower with an amd reccommended 300w power supply. but the same thing happens, so i think its either because of the cpu overheating, or if its not the cpu, then it must be the video card overheating. one of my friends thinks it could be due to the mobo shorting on the case, and to put washers under the screws that mount the mobo (i dont think it would boot if it was shorting). any suggestions or what you think it might be?