Just wonderful: Hamas now says that they will kill Israeli civilians in their homes.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Gonad the Barbarian
Those poor Palestinians, look at what Isreal is making them do.

I personally think both countries have leaders with dried out straw for brains... They're both so prideful and idiotic enough to think that more killing, not backing off and making entreaties of peace, will solve the issues between them.


Feb 15, 2001
i thought it was a given already..:p i wonder how they'll get suicide bombers into houses:p sick fu*ks.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It's always painful to read these things, I can very easily imagine myself locked into such a pointless and destructive mindset. I think it's a good exercise in one's humanity to put yourself in their position. Most everyone has experienced that feeling of unrelenting righteous hatred, shouldn't we consider ourselves fortunate that it does not encompass our entire being? It should also give cause to consider how much we ourselves subscribe to the abject notion that blameand hatred are worthwhile ways to expend energy.


Senior member
Apr 11, 2002
This thing has been going on for a long time but I have the feeling that it will go on longer and stronger and these attacks are no longer going to care civilian, or military. And the plaestians are just going to kill more civilians and provoke more, and we are eventually going to get big time involved and lots of foreign blood is going to be shed. Just my prophecy, I am usually wrong though, hopefully.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: EngineNr9
It's always painful to read these things, I can very easily imagine myself locked into such a pointless and destructive mindset. I think it's a good exercise in one's humanity to put yourself in their position. Most everyone has experienced that feeling of unrelenting righteous hatred, shouldn't we consider ourselves fortunate that it does not encompass our entire being? It should also give cause to consider how much we ourselves subscribe to the abject notion that blameand hatred are worthwhile ways to expend energy.

How true....

Even though I always say both Israelis and palestinians are dumbasses for fighting, I can honestly say that if I was an Israeli, I would have no qualms about killing palestinians and vice versa....


Golden Member
Mar 24, 2001
I like this line from the story:

"This is a massacre against our people," Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, a Hamas spokesman, told Reuters.

Ahhhh, so NOW you are upset about people getting massacred!!!

You reap what you sow....


Dec 9, 2000
I totally agree with Zakath. I think Sharon should be in jail.

Also, the key to the Palestinians winning is non-violent resistance. All they gotta do is get like 10,000 of them to sit down in the middle of an Israeli occupied area and start singing. Some hot headed Isreali officer will no doubt kill a few of the non-violent protestors right in front of TV cameras. *bam* world is outrage. *bam* US starts not supporting Israel as much. *bam* Israel is forced to make peace. It worked in the Clancy book "Sum of All Fears" :p


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2002
I can see it all now......Sharon: "Mr Bush, we need more tanks, planes, guns, bombs, and money. For some unknown reason, our enemies have stepped up their criminal attacks on us. And by the way, we desperately need US troops to help us defend our borders." The stupidity goes on.....


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Vespasian
"Hamas's retaliation will come very soon, and there won't be only just one (attack)...After this crime, even Israelis in their homes will be the target of our operations," Rantissi said on Tuesday's attack.

The retaliation that he speaks of is for the less than pinpoint missle strike on the house of the most senior Hamas military leader.


and I suppose you ignored the main newsarticle, about the IDF targeting a millitant in his home in a civilian area where there are alot of civilians, targeting him with missiles that would without doubt kill other civilians in the process, this is directly targeting civilians.
just thought I'd point it out to you in case you missed it


Sep 11, 2000
How pathetic Vespasian, you site what Hamas says and you IGNORE that WAR CRIME that has been commited already.

When you fire with a MISSILE into an apartment building it is inevitable to kill dozens of people. This wasn?t ?collateral damage?. It was the deliberate and conscious slaughter of dozens of people to kill just one man.

This is Israeli TERRORIST sponsered by OUR Money, Planes, Tanks...etc! We are sponsoring terrorism.

It was an APARTMENT building. Which means that dozens of other people were sleeping at the time of the strike.
At least 12 people have been killed in the attack (among which 8 children) 130 others wounded (15 are in critical condition).

Why can't they just make a task force and arrest him?! They're too coward. The 4th largest army in the world can't make a task force to arrest him, instead they use OUR F-16s and level the APARTMENT building killing dozens, including EIGHT children.




Diamond Member
Oct 27, 2000
Anyone else notice 11 people of which 8 are children? This was a night time attack... where are all the parents? They said it hit 5 houses.... They always leave their kids home alone at night? Something tells me they exagerated the # of kids to make them seem more evil. Not to say they were right to do what they did with the civilians around... but I still think their lying through their teeth.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Dulanic
Anyone else notice 11 people of which 8 are children? This was a night time attack... where are all the parents? They said it hit 5 houses.... They always leave their kids home alone at night? Something tells me they exagerated the # of kids to make them seem more evil. Not to say they were right to do what they did with the civilians around... but I still think their lying through their teeth.
people there have more children per adult than around here, also there were alot of wounded so it wouldnt be surprising to se a number of the parents among them.



Feb 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Slovin8
How pathetic Vespasian, you site what Hamas says and you IGNORE that WAR CRIME that has been commited already.

When you fire with a MISSILE into an apartment building it is inevitable to kill dozens of people. This wasn?t ?collateral damage?. It was the deliberate and conscious slaughter of dozens of people to kill just one man.

This is Israeli TERRORIST sponsered by OUR Money, Planes, Tanks...etc! We are sponsoring terrorism.

It was an APARTMENT building. Which means that dozens of other people were sleeping at the time of the strike.
At least 12 people have been killed in the attack (among which 8 children) 130 others wounded (15 are in critical condition).

Why can't they just make a task force and arrest him?! They're too coward. The 4th largest army in the world can't make a task force to arrest him, instead they use OUR F-16s and level the APARTMENT building killing dozens, including EIGHT children.


it was a hamas commander, going back to his appartment to use his family and other civilians as human shields. as a commander he has many people fighting for him. any ground assult would result in heavy casualties, the children would still be there and make for great human shields during fights, israeli soldier hesitates and well he dies.

the responsiblity is on him for hiding behind civilians and children.. a commander... how many dozens of suicide bombers did they send eh? not with home brewed explosives, but military grade, supplied by the wonderful arab nations. the same ones that pay families for life when they produce a suicide bomber. no arab countries supporting suicide bombing/arming nut cases, no missles! wow!

amazing how the UN/EU doesn't spend its time condeming the arab countries for supplying the palestinians with the means to violence:p

they are too reliant on its oil, and afraid of being bombed themselves. buncha pathetic wusses.

how many civilian deaths has this hamas commander been responsible for eh? how many suicide bombings has hamas taken responsilibility for eh? yes... hundreds

the palestinians are responsible for the most warcrimes. how many bombs against women and children? rat poison as anticoagolant for extra suffering and death. how many israeli civilians must die before its justifiable to do whatevers necessary to take out terrorist leaders. well thats israels call. and i say they've waited too long. if the palestinians want to fight dirty, thats the way it is.

how else have the palestinians been able to fight so long? through israels restraint.


Golden Member
Apr 12, 2000
Originally posted by: Nefrodite
it was a hamas commander, going back to his appartment to use his family and other civilians as human shields. as a commander he has many people fighting for him.

Do you think maybe he was just going home to spend time with his family like most other people in the world? Or do you automatically assume that he's using them as sheilds.



Nov 26, 2000
When you fire with a MISSILE into an apartment building it is inevitable to kill dozens of people. This wasn?t ?collateral damage?. It was the deliberate and conscious slaughter of dozens of people to kill just one man.

EXACTLY!!! You dont fire missiles into a city to kill one man! Thats ludicrous! Sharon and the IDF just lowered themselves to the level of the palestinians, and they are NO better than them now. :|

If Israel keeps doing boneheaded crap like this I couldnt give two sh*ts if Hamas kills israeli civilians in their homes. :disgust:


Jan 2, 2000
So Hamas is going to kill Israelis in their homes now?

As opposed to what? Killing them in restaurants and on buses? In the streets? What's the difference? Oh, that's right, the Palestinians only kill civilians, they don't even try for military or strategic targets. The Israelis don't simply kill civilians unless they are collateral damage.

Any of the resident Communists here care to tell me how this isn't true? Don't bother, it is true, and you can't realistically argue that it isn't.