Just watched "An Inconvenient Truth"



Good ole Gore gives lots of facts which I have yet to verify, but if even half of them are true...

What do you guys think of this movie?



Jul 16, 2001
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.


Jul 31, 2001
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?

What'll really get your noggin is the question "is global warming...really bad for Earth?"


Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.

Well I'm not really jumping on his bandwagon or anything but he DOES present a huge amount of evidence.

Since you seem to know where he's coming from I'd like to know how you see this as "goober warming alarmist crap".


Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?

What'll really get your noggin is the question "is global warming...really bad for Earth?"

In the movie Gore informs us that the level of global warming that is in evidence today is much higher than any that has been experienced for at least the last 650,000 years.

Apparently we are entering uncharted territory and all bets are off.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?

What'll really get your noggin is the question "is global warming...really bad for Earth?"

In the movie Gore informs us that the level of global warming that is in evidence today is much higher than any that has been experienced for at least the last 650,000 years.

Apparently we are entering uncharted territory and all bets are off.

whoa we kept temperatures 650,000 years ago?!?!


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.

I don't know if global warming is happening for sure and if it is, if it's natural or from pollution. I haven't seen the movie, but the movie was probably made to try and make people pollute less. I've talked to people who claim pollution has no negative effect or is even good for the earth with absolutely no evidence but they're convinced it is. Is it bad to want people to pollute less or should we be promoting pollution of the Earth?


Nov 3, 2000
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?

What'll really get your noggin is the question "is global warming...really bad for Earth?"

In the movie Gore informs us that the level of global warming that is in evidence today is much higher than any that has been experienced for at least the last 650,000 years.

Apparently we are entering uncharted territory and all bets are off.

whoa we kept temperatures 650,000 miles ago?!?!

I'll assume you're drunk and that you meant "years ago" rather than miles ago ;)


Jul 16, 2001
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.

Well I'm not really jumping on his bandwagon or anything but he DOES present a huge amount of evidence.

Since you seem to know where he's coming from I'd like to know how you see this as "goober warming alarmist crap".

Slick Propaganda

Gore?s movie substitutes vivid images of the alleged effects of global warming for an accurate account of the scientific debate. We see glaciers calving into the sea, giant storms sweeping through resort areas, burning deserts, and even a cartoon polar bear swimming aimlessly, searching for a place to rest.

Problem: All of the events pictured in this movie have been occurring since before human activities could possibly have caused them. Glaciers have calved into seas for millions of years, storms obviously predate modern civilization and our emissions, and real-life polar bears know better than to head out into open water during the Arctic summer. At any given time in Earth?s history, some glaciers have been expanding while others have been shrinking. (We have accurate information on only 42 of the approximately 160,000 glaciers presently in existence.)

More Deceptions

Two of the worst deceptions in ?An Inconvenient Truth? involve the global temperature record and rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Gore walks across the stage as red lines plot temperature and CO2 concentrations, showing a close correlation across many years and a rapid increase in the past century. It is a triumph of data manipulation.

So what are we to make of (in alphabetical order) Dr. Tim Ball at the University of Winnipeg, Dr. Robert Balling at Arizona State University, Dr. Bob Carter at James Cook University in Australia, Dr. Randall Cerveny at Arizona State University, Dr. John Christy at the University of Alabama, Dr. Robert Davis at the University of Virginia, Dr. Christopher Essex at the University of Western Ontario, Dr. Oliver Frauenfeld at the University of Colorado, Dr. Wibjörn Karlèn at Stockholm University, and Dr. Christopher Landsea at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)?

And what about Dr. David Legates at the University of Delaware, Dr. Henry Linden at IIT, Dr. Richard Lindzen at MIT, Dr. Ross McKitrick at the University of Guelph, Dr. Patrick Michaels at the University of Virginia, Dr. Dick Morgan at the University of Exeter, Dr. Tim Peterson at Carleton University, Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. at the University of Colorado, Dr. Eric Posmentier at Dartmouth College, Dr. Willie Soon at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Dr. Roy Spencer at the University of Alabama, and Dr. Boris Winterhalter at the University of Helsinki? All are respected authorities on climatology, working at respected universities, who appear regularly in peer-reviewed science journals ... and they all dispute Gore?s alarmist claims.




Originally posted by: JS80

whoa we kept temperatures 650,000 miles ago?!?!

Well the idea is that we can extrapolate what the temperature was at the time based on the levels of CO2 present in fossilized remains and ice core samples. It may not be the weather channel but it's the best we can do.


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: jman19
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?

What'll really get your noggin is the question "is global warming...really bad for Earth?"

In the movie Gore informs us that the level of global warming that is in evidence today is much higher than any that has been experienced for at least the last 650,000 years.

Apparently we are entering uncharted territory and all bets are off.

whoa we kept temperatures 650,000 miles ago?!?!

I'll assume you're drunk and that you meant "years ago" rather than miles ago ;)

damn the scotch!


Oct 24, 2005
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: JS80

whoa we kept temperatures 650,000 miles ago?!?!

Well the idea is that we can extrapolate what the temperature was at the time based on the levels of CO2 present in fossilized remains and ice core samples. It may not be the weather channel but it's the best we can do.



Originally posted by: JS80
Originally posted by: SlitheryDee
Originally posted by: JS80

whoa we kept temperatures 650,000 miles ago?!?!

Well the idea is that we can extrapolate what the temperature was at the time based on the levels of CO2 present in fossilized remains and ice core samples. It may not be the weather channel but it's the best we can do.


lowest common denominator...


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2001
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.

If these, are the best arguments of it's opposition, maybe I should see this movie.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
Originally posted by: Mo0o
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.
wait so global warming... doesn't exist? Or its not a problem?

It exists, but it's mostly mankind's own arrogance leading to the fact that we as a race (the human race) are considered the most pollution-contributing. I'll admit that this time everything gets a little warmer a little sooner, but it's natural for the earth to warm up. After it's warmed up, BAM! Ice age.


Golden Member
Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Mani
Originally posted by: IGBT
..he's been running around with that goober warming alarmist crap for years. Now he's supported by the hollywood idiots. It's nothing more then a "Convenient Deception" supported by alarmist enviro wacko's.

If these, are the best arguments of it's opposition, maybe I should see this movie.

For those who enjoy a good read I highly recommend State of Fear a very entertaining look at the subject of the environment, alarmist views, and what we do/don't know. All set in an engaging thriller.

For those who prefer Cliffs: the protagonist is really a window unto Mr. Crichton's journey from a liberal minded global warming believer to a knower of the facts. He also cites many factual sources in his deep research for the writing.


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
You non-believers are arguing the wrong points. It doesn't matter if humans are entirely responsible for global warming - we still need to do something about it. It doesn't matter if CO2 is related to this or that particular climate effect - CO2 is poisonous, it makes you ill, we cannot fill the atmosphere with it. Especially not if we continue deforestation. It doesn't matter if global warming is 'bad for earth' - the earth is a 4 billion year old 5 trillion trillion tonne ball of iron... nothing is going to hurt it. Global warming is bad for humans. There's only a very limited temperature range we can live in you know. And it really, really, doesn't matter if 20 or 50 or 100 scientists disagree with Al Gore on why the earth is warming up. I could find you 100 scientists who disagree with just about any theory you name - so what? The earth is still warming up. I challenge anyone (IGBT that's you) to argue with that. You will require evidence.

I'd also like to know why you think people would lie about this? I mean it's obvious why someone would lie that global warming isn't happening - then they don't have to do anything about it. But what advantage is there in claiming that it is happening when it isn't?...


Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2005
Originally posted by: JasonCoder
For those who enjoy a good read I highly recommend State of Fear a very entertaining look at the subject of the environment, alarmist views, and what we do/don't know. All set in an engaging thriller.

For those who prefer Cliffs: the protagonist is really a window unto Mr. Crichton's journey from a liberal minded global warming believer to a knower of the facts. He also cites many factual sources in his deep research for the writing.

Despite the opinions of the above poster, State of Fear is just a novel, and has no basis in reality.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
1) There were several ice ages right?
2) What were the peak temperatures between the ice ages?
3) Why invest in CO2 reduction when smog is worse of people's health?


Golden Member
Feb 23, 2005
Originally posted by: Atheus
Originally posted by: JasonCoder
For those who enjoy a good read I highly recommend State of Fear a very entertaining look at the subject of the environment, alarmist views, and what we do/don't know. All set in an engaging thriller.

For those who prefer Cliffs: the protagonist is really a window unto Mr. Crichton's journey from a liberal minded global warming believer to a knower of the facts. He also cites many factual sources in his deep research for the writing.

Despite the opinions of the above poster, State of Fear is just a novel, and has no basis in reality.

Have you read the book? Or are you dismissing it out of hand simply because it does not agree with your views?

Yes, it is a novel, as I indicated. I did not state that it was a work of non-fiction. However Mr. Crichton does back up a lot of what he writes in the book with hard research and facts. There are footnotes on many pages and a complete bibliography.

Regardless, some may be interested in seeing a portrayal of an individual finding out the facts about global warming and other environmental concerns. Let's face it, there is a lot of misinformation on both sides.


Jan 15, 2000
Originally posted by: Stunt
1) There were several ice ages right?
2) What were the peak temperatures between the ice ages?
3) Why invest in CO2 reduction when smog is worse of people's health?

1-2) Yes, the earth does go through cycles, however if you look at ice core samples (I'll go out on a leg and assume you actually believe in science and measurements, unlike lots of posters here), you'll see that the cyclical pattern stops at ~1800AD. They've managed to measure CO2 concentrations back 800000 years and magically jumps starting 1800AD. Coincidence?

3) CO2 reduction has little to do with people's health per se. Our way of life is adapted to the current climate - why risk altering that? Even if the worst predictions come true people will survive, it'll just be very disruptive and costly.
Ever read about what happened to Easter Island? Its the most illustrative case of a society collapsing due to environmental degradation, though there are plenty of others. All the 'alarmists' want is to make sure things like that don't happen again, or as the old saying goes 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'.