the deep oceans of earth lack light, are exetremely cold, and the only source of energy that sustains life is Heat energy from vocanic pipes underwater, the temp can reach 200C easily
Europa a moon of jupiter is covered in atleast 30km of ice deep or more. but under scientists know that europa is volcanic or sustains inner core heat. The evironment is speculated to be similiar and have a high probability of life....or higher then others
so what do u make of all this?
I think bacteria might exist, but alien life forms, probably not. If there is though, imagine the possiblilites...
Europa a moon of jupiter is covered in atleast 30km of ice deep or more. but under scientists know that europa is volcanic or sustains inner core heat. The evironment is speculated to be similiar and have a high probability of life....or higher then others
so what do u make of all this?
I think bacteria might exist, but alien life forms, probably not. If there is though, imagine the possiblilites...