Just Joined Team Anandtech. How are You :)


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Just came in to say hi. :)

Oh yeah, and just a few questions:

1. What are WU's, and how can I earn the most possible?
2. What power requirements should I set my computer to? The thing is, I leave my computer on for hours at a time without doing anything, and so I want to have it cruch away at SETI while I'm not using it. What do you guys suggest I do?
3. Any other info I might need, I'm completely new to this stuff, I've only heard of SETI until just yesterday, when I joined Team Anandtech.

So anyway, I'll be back in a few.


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2000
Welcome to the TeAm! :D

1. WUs are Work Units. Each one is a 300kb chunk of data recorded by the Arecibo radio telescope. Your computer, using the SETI software, searches these chunks of data for radio signals. The way to earn as many as possible is to "assimilate", in other words, install the SETI software running under your account, on as many computers as possible. Also, see #3.

2. I'm not quite sure what you mean by power requirements, are you referring to a laptop system?

3. I'm assuming you're running the screensaver, or GUI version. To get better times, and thus more results, you may want to install the command-line, or CLI version, as well as a program that will allow you to "cache" (store extra) WUs, such as SETI Driver. This page has links to those and all sorts of other wonderful add-ons and such.

If you have any more questions, just ask away and we'll all be glad to help out :)


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Thanks for the info DarkMajiq. :)

What I meant by power requirements is that I want to know if I should let my computer hibernate. If it hibernates, will it still crunch away at SETI. After a certain amount of minutes, my computer begins to hibernate, and so I'm not sure if it's still working away at SETI.

Also, how long does it take to earn some WU's. And where can I check all for all of this stuff.


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000
AGod, nice to see you on board as I have seen your valuable post on GH. :cool:

For SETI Installation, I have created a so-called "Quick Guide" to optimize performance. I personally prefer using SetiSpy (great client control tool) with my own SetiQueue (WU caching program in case main SETI@home server is down).

As for power settings, I suggest leaving everything "always on" besides monitor since hard drive off will slow down the work unit times a whole lot.



Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2000
If you allow your computer to go into hibernation, I don't think it will still be crunching SETI. Not having it hibernate shouldn't consume too much more electricity though, so I wouldn't worry about it, as long as you turn off things like monitor and speakers. And, as serialb mentioned, you'll want to leave things like hard drive shut down off, or it will slow your processing time a lot.

I can't say for sure, but I would say your 1.4GHz rig should probably average about 5.5 hours per WU, and your 1.55GHz a little less than 4 hours. The 1.4GHz one is a fairly ballpark guess, but the 1.55GHz is right about there for sure.

I'm not sure what your SETI e-mail address is, so I can't give you the exact link, but for example, my address is darkmajiq@shaw.ca, so my URL for SETI stats is http://iosef.ssl.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/cgi?email=darkmajiq@shaw.ca&cmd=user_stats_new Just put your address in place of mine, and you'll get your stats :)


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Thanks for the welcome BigFatCow and serialb.

I've got SETI running now, and I just downloaded the CLI version. Should I keep CLI or go with SETISpy? Whichever client will get the most WU's done is what I want (and I assume everyone else wants too :D).


Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2000
SETI Spy is just an add-on that runs on top of the CLI version, it won't affect your processing times one way or another, same thing with SETI Driver and SETIQ. My personal preference is SETI Driver, but you may want to try downloading several of these add-on programs, and seeing which one you like best.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Welcome! :D

In terms of power saving, the only component you can have power down is the monitor. If you're running NT/2K/XP I'm almost positive you can lock the computer. If a normal SETI install won't keep running when the computer is locked, then you'll need to install SETI as a service (we can help you with that).

SETISpy isn't another client, it just lets you view info about the CLI client. Your best bet is to run the CLI with SETI Driver, check the "Use SETISpy" box in SETI Driver, and use SETISpy to get your stats info about the CLI.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
I've run about 3 hours worth of SETI@home since I joined, but the Berkeley site says I've completed 0 Total CPU Time. Is this accurate, is my SETI work going towards the team or not being used at all?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2000

<< Should I keep CLI or go with SETISpy? >>

SetiSpy is a CLI client control program. You will need both :) Just run your CLI client for the first time, then run SetiSpy. Then you will be able to do a lot more than a boring Command console. For more information on SetiSpy, take a look here

For performance, you should be able to finish a work unit in around 4 hours. FYI, you can check my machine times here SETI is really sensitive to memory speed and FSB, so basically if you max them out, you'll get the best out of your machines.



Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2000
What's happening is that all of the data is saved in the result file, which will be sent back to Berkeley when you finish processing the WU. At that time, your stats page will update, and will say you have 1 result, with say 5 hours or whatever of CPU time.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
I set the hard disks and computer standby options to "never", so that should help me get the most WU's. :D My monitor will go to sleep after 15 minutes, but that doesn't matter apparently.

Also, after downloading CLI, I downloaded SETISpy, so I think I'm good to go. I'll just leave my computer alone for 3 hours or so and see what happens.

What's happening is that all of the data is saved in the result file, which will be sent back to Berkeley when you finish processing the WU. At that time, your stats page will update, and will say you have 1 result, with say 5 hours or whatever of CPU time.

Thanks again DarkMajiq.


Senior member
Jan 23, 2001
Welcome to the team, AGodspeed!

I'm sure you'll find, like I did, that Seti soon becomes addictive and you'll be trying to find more and more machines to "assimilate"!



Diamond Member
Jun 11, 2000
Nope, monitor doesn't matter :)

I'm just glad I was able to help you out, and once again, welcome to the TeAm, I hope we'll continue to see you around the forums, maybe even participate in some races or something :)


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
If you want the fastest WUs possible, make sure you just have a blank screensaver running. :)


Platinum Member
Sep 6, 2001
:)Welcome to the TeAm AGodspeed!

You'll get the hang of it, I was new to this too 3 months ago. I didn't know a thing about it, but everyone here has helped me and now I'm crunching with the best of them.

Thank You again for Joining the TeAm!:D


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
I have another questioin. It's taken me about 5 hours to complete 20% of the Data Analysis. Is this too slow or am I right on track. Once I get 100% done, how many WU's go to my credit?

May 31, 2001
Well, unless a person is running a dual-processor machine, they generally only crunch one WU at a time. Depending on the speed of your machine, you are right on track for the per centage done.

Are you running the GUI version, with all the coloured graphs, or the CLI version?


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Are you running the GUI version, with all the coloured graphs, or the CLI version?

I downloaded the CLI version, but the one I'm looking at has all the colored graphics. Is this the GUI version?
May 31, 2001
I was having trouble getting my CLI version set up right, but Wiz was kind enough to write out the process in step-by-step format for people like me that suck at Windows. :p I saved it.

>>Guys, maybe you are trying for too many bells and whistles.

What's the trouble with just putting a link to seti driver in the startup folder?

It's sexy to run it as a service and all that but what's needed is just the basic get it running and keep it running deal.

So you get seti driver and the cli client in the same dir.

Start seti driver & get it to start the cli

put a 2 in the first question and your seti acct email addy in the 2nd question

set Seti Driver to auto connect,
hide processing,
max procs 1,
Cache xx whatever number you need,
low priority,
proxy server ORANGEKID.TEAMANANDTECH.COM port 5001,
Use seti driver,
use 24 hr clock,
create setilog.csv,
SAVE CONFIG and minimize.

Make a shortcut to Seti Driver (right click Seti Driver and choose 'Create Shortcut')
right click new shortcut
choose 'Properties'
Look down to where it says Run:
Choose 'Minimized'
click apply and OK
right click shortcut again
choose 'Copy'
Richt click Start button (lower left corner of your screen)
Choose Explore
Click Plus sign by Programs
Click "Startup"
over on the right side of the screen where any startup programs will be located use your mouse and Right click.
on the menu that comes up choose Paste.
If all went well you now have a shortcut to seti driver in your start up folder.

Of course I don't mean to insult the pride of any savvy Windows users out there, I just thought having a step by step might prove helpful.


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2001
short and sweet steve..;) .....................that's the way it is.........go for it .....start slow....aim high...