Trust me, when you factor in the speed of 40Mph on a turn.. its too fast, even a gentle curve of 45 degrees to the planar. Let me tell you a while back I spun out in the back country, didnt hit anything but one mistake and I wouldnt be here. I was coming down a curve on Angeles Crest and there was black ice in the frosted area. I spun immediately even though I was going like 25 (which is what the turn said in a posted yellow sign). For those conditions it was too fast. I spun out and ended up with a 360+180 ended up pointing the otherway. When the car finally stopped I got out and checked my car visually, and saw the cliff drop on one side and the mountain on the other. The spot was bearly enough to hold my car's width and a half.
When you are in a unknown car, its best to go slow. Each car handles differently. If I had been in my mom's car I would have lots it. Because i was in my car I could figure out how the car will hold and guided it to its final position.
Edit: Now I look back and say to myself I am damn lucky to be alive. From now on, a turn like that I am definlty slowing down the conditions change. From one moment nice dry road to black ice.