Originally posted by: suse920
video podcasts
I bought a 30 GB iPod Video last Saturday. Podcasts are an easy way to get some preformated and nice content on an iPod. If you use iTunes, there's a
Link in the iTunes Music Store to the Video Podcast section. I never got into audio podcasts though.
I've subscribed to three video podcasts so far, iTunes automatically checks them for updates (that typically get online once a week). These are not links for iTunes, they point to the normal website of the podcasters, so everybody can download the content and view it with the Quicktime compatible movie player of their choice:
Happy Tree Friends Good old cartoon violence. Now portable. (NSFW)
Vintage Tooncast A cartoon from the 30's or 40's once a week. (If 400 people sign a petition, the site owner will release a 72 minute long cartoon of Gulliver's Travels. Just in case somebody wants to initiate the ATOT effect). (NSFW according to the podcaster)
Ask A Ninja Homemade humor. You mail questions. The ninja answers. My favorite so far
I've also downloaded the one-time release
How It's Made about the fabrication of technical items. But I don't know if it is interesting yet.
About the Display: It surprised me that the brightness is significantly higher than on my iBook (but then again, the iBook's display is far from bright by today's laptop standards). The view angle is good in my opinion (two persons don't have a problem watching a movie on the same iPod). The display isn't very big and I have yet to test if I can stand a 30 minute movie, but the dpi is high and I only notice the pixels when I touch the iPod with my nose, so to speak
The video feature needs much more power than just listening music and the display is, like the entire iPod surface, sensitive to scratches. After a few unprotected minutes in my (empty) jeans poket I already registered some tiny scratches. I always thought some iPod owners are scratchophobians but now I know better.
Does anybody know other good Video Podcasts?