Just got a Root Canal


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2002
I got a Root Canal done in the last couple hours. Wow it was easy, like no pain at all. I've always heard the opposite. Took less than an hour to get done. I guess they're much easier to get done than they used to be.

What did hurt was the $1000 bill and me having no dental plan :( - Ouch!


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2004
My nerves are too sensitive in my mouth I think. Even when I have cavities done and they hit a nerve in the tooth it feels like someone kicked me in the balls. I can't even imagine having the root of your tooth dug in to.


Senior member
Mar 4, 2002
I got one done on Monday and it was much easier than some that I've had in the past. Pretty much in and out with very little pain. Although the nurse did accidentally poke herself when throwing away my needle so I had to go to the Doc yesterday and get tested for HIV, hep, etc for her piece of mind.


Diamond Member
Aug 23, 2001
Yep, I've said it before here, they're not bad at all. Getting my teeth cleaned hurts more than a root canal does. I've had 13 of them ;).

Edit: I'm guessing the $1000 doesn't include the crown?


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2001
Only had one root canal in my life.
It was most certainly the easiest, most pain-free dental procedure I've ever experienced.
And I've had 5 molars extracted and 4 fillings, every one of them, though they didn't hurt terribly, were harder than a root canal.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
I've had one, and the dentist preferred to do it over 2 appointments - at the end of the first, he packed my tooth with some chemical and put a filling over it. From what I've heard, his results are far better than average.

Mosh could probably elaborate more on what they do...
Mosh? Where are youuuuu?


Diamond Member
May 3, 2002
I had an emergency root canal done on Monday while I was in Lake Tahoe on vacation - it royally sucked arse. It was my second one, and it really only hurts when they're drilling out the roots to put in the needles that kill them.


Nov 18, 2001
I had one done about 2 months ago. I had a badly infected canal (the tooth was broken), so my experience wasn't typical. Even with local anesthetic, it was moderately painful having a needle pushed directly into my infected canal (for another anesthetic injection). My dentist decided to use a standard filling instead of a crown. I'm not entirely sure that was the best decision, but I don't have any pain in the tooth now. My other 12 fillings though... wow. My teeth are still ridiculously sensitive to hot and cold after a month and a half. It can take up to 6 months for very deep fillings to calm down, so I'm not that worried. Brushing with Sensodyne the past two days has seemed to help.


Senior member
Jan 20, 2005
Mine was almost pain-free. I had gone for ten years of needing a root canal. I wish that I had had one done sooner.

SVT Cobra

Mar 29, 2005
Should've flown to Russia to get it done. Flight + dentist would have been cheaper, and you can say you've been to russia.


Senior member
Sep 27, 2002
I agree - root canals aren't too bad. But has anyone had a re-infection of the roots and had an apical procedure (basically a root canal done from the bottom of the tooth/jaw)? How painful is that?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2006
Originally posted by: 2Xtreme21
My nerves are too sensitive in my mouth I think. Even when I have cavities done and they hit a nerve in the tooth it feels like someone kicked me in the balls. I can't even imagine having the root of your tooth dug in to.
For the teeth in your jaw, does it seem like the anesthetic finally starts to work as you leave the doctor's office? If so, your nerve may be located lower in your jaw than average. Thus, taking longer for the anesthetic to be effective. This would be something to tell your doctor so they can either inject more anesthetic, inject the anesthetic lower in your jaw, or give you more time to allow the anesthetic to numb your nerve.

The nerve is located in different places in the lower jaw for different people. Additionally, the nerve may be damaged if the needle contacts the nerve, thereby causing permanent numbness. For these reasons, many dentists are cautious and place the needle higher in the jaw. Your dentist needs to know if the anesthetic is not working for you. There are adjustments they can make.

Originally posted by: joshsquall
I had one done about 2 months ago. I had a badly infected canal (the tooth was broken), so my experience wasn't typical. Even with local anesthetic, it was moderately painful having a needle pushed directly into my infected canal (for another anesthetic injection). My dentist decided to use a standard filling instead of a crown. I'm not entirely sure that was the best decision, but I don't have any pain in the tooth now. My other 12 fillings though... wow. My teeth are still ridiculously sensitive to hot and cold after a month and a half. It can take up to 6 months for very deep fillings to calm down, so I'm not that worried. Brushing with Sensodyne the past two days has seemed to help.
I hate doctors that place the injection directly into the wound because it shows they do not understand the concept of numbing the nerve rather than the wound. The standard filling is temporary. The crown comes later for additional cost. Since the root of the tooth is gone, the tooth enamel is not fed nutrients and will eventually become brittle and may someday crack. Do not bite hard on this tooth or you risk cracking it. If the tooth cracks it may not be useful later to place the crown on, thereby requiring removal and eliminating the usefulness of the root canal over the other option of just pulling the tooth and later drilling a post.

I have had one or two root canals that have not had a crown placed on them for at least 10 years now. My dentist warns me with each visit they may crack and that I should put a crown on them as soon as possible.

Originally posted by: SVT Cobra
Should've flown to Russia to get it done. Flight + dentist would have been cheaper, and you can say you've been to russia.
The same is true with Poland. It is an entertaining event to have to leave the doctor's office to get x-rays taken in a separate office/building that only performs x-rays, then return to the dentist's office to have the procedure completed. This is because x-ray machines are highly regulated in Poland and are not allowed to be operated by a dentist, since they are a source of radiation.

Originally posted by: purepolly
I agree - root canals aren't too bad. But has anyone had a re-infection of the roots and had an apical procedure (basically a root canal done from the bottom of the tooth/jaw)? How painful is that?
The nerve has been removed so the tooth does not hurt. However, the cutting of the jawbone will hurt. Usually, when you get down to this level, it is easier, cheaper, and more effective to just pull the tooth and get a post drilled in. It is extremely difficult to find the cause of the infection after an initial root canal and can easily take several unsuccessful visits to several specialists in the frustrated attempt to find the source of the infection and clean it out. Additionally, the infection over this time period introduces bacteria into the bloodstream that settles on the heart valves and calcifies the heart valves. A major cause of heart problems is bacteria introduced from tooth infections.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor nor a dentist. I have merely gone through many of these situations and had lengthy discussions with the doctors on them.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
I've had several root canals...not the worst dental experiences...I had one that "didn't take" and the tooth ended up having to be pulled anyway, but it was dying and the root canal was an attempt to save it...


Nov 28, 2004
Originally posted by: purepolly
I agree - root canals aren't too bad. But has anyone had a re-infection of the roots and had an apical procedure (basically a root canal done from the bottom of the tooth/jaw)? How painful is that?
not exactly, but i have had one root canal and just over a year later it started to hurt so i went to the dentist. turns out the original dentist had left part of the root and a 'burr' from the root canal tool. i knew about the burr, which he said was no big deal but not about the incomplete root canal. within the next 24 hours i ended up having the tooth pulled, which turned out to be quite an ordeal as the root was swollen and on the verge of abscess and had a temp bridge made.

needless to say that i HATE dentists.