Just got a cavity filled sans novocaine... YEAH!


Jan 29, 2005
For those of you curious about how it feels without the numb, not very good... but when you have a great dentist (and a fear of needles) it really does help with the whole ordeal. Thanks for the service Dr. Steve! :thumbsup:


Nov 23, 2001
I had the only cavity I've ever had in my life filled about a month ago, and yeah, I went with the novacaine.

The weirdest part about the whole thing was having a beer afterward while the left half of my mouth was still partially numb, where the beer felt both hot and cold at the same time.


Sep 30, 2001
I'm not a fan of needles either... but how can you be less afraid of a drill in your mouth then a couple of needle pricks + numbness?

That just defies logic!


Apr 8, 2002
I have a nerve that wont be numbed no matter the dose or how many times they inject it.
I had a cavity and he suggested oral surgury. I told him just do it(as it was my 3rd time in the office trying to get this done). It really wasnt "that" bad. It was kind of a pinching pressure followed by bright lights and the feeling you are biting on tin foil with a filling when he hit a nerve ending.

Wouldnt want to do it again. But I thought it would be much worse.


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: Kadarin
I had the only cavity I've ever had in my life filled about a month ago, and yeah, I went with the novacaine.

The weirdest part about the whole thing was having a beer afterward while the left half of my mouth was still partially numb, where the beer felt both hot and cold at the same time.

you're supposed to wait until the novacaine wears off dummy! :p


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Genx87
I have a nerve that wont be numbed no matter the dose or how many times they inject it.
I had a cavity and he suggested oral surgury. I told him just do it(as it was my 3rd time in the office trying to get this done). It really wasnt "that" bad. It was kind of a pinching pressure followed by bright lights and the feeling you are biting on tin foil with a filling when he hit a nerve ending.

Wouldnt want to do it again. But I thought it would be much worse.

The Novocaine didn't really take when I got a tooth drilled/filled once. I had a little numbing, but I felt every bit of it. It wasn't so bad, but I don't know how it compares with 0 anesthetic.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
I've had 3 fillings done without any Novocaine. "Oh, this one isn't that deep, it'll be quick."

Yeah, funny, the nerves aren't that deep either. Bastard.

The next filling I had done (different doc) included Novocaine. About 5 shots of it. Still felt a little (they let me sit a bit too long I think). The worst part was the topical they put on first. Got some on my tongue, it tasted like cinnamon and burned like the fires of hell.


Nov 23, 2001
Originally posted by: rasczak
Originally posted by: Kadarin
I had the only cavity I've ever had in my life filled about a month ago, and yeah, I went with the novacaine.

The weirdest part about the whole thing was having a beer afterward while the left half of my mouth was still partially numb, where the beer felt both hot and cold at the same time.

you're supposed to wait until the novacaine wears off dummy! :p



Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
First cavity I had filled when I was 8 was done without numbing. Barely hurt except at the very end. Second, one I had done started hurting a lot more part way through and I had them use novacaine. All subsequent ones I got numbing with.


Nov 19, 2004
Originally posted by: Crusty
I'm not a fan of needles either... but how can you be less afraid of a drill in your mouth then a couple of needle pricks + numbness?

That just defies logic!

Humans suck at assigning danger to actions. Thus can be more afraid of something not dangerous than something really dangerous.

If he is shit scared of needles he would probably rather be in a cage with a lion...


Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: SunnyD
I've had 3 fillings done without any Novocaine. "Oh, this one isn't that deep, it'll be quick."

Yeah, funny, the nerves aren't that deep either. Bastard.

The next filling I had done (different doc) included Novocaine. About 5 shots of it. Still felt a little (they let me sit a bit too long I think). The worst part was the topical they put on first. Got some on my tongue, it tasted like cinnamon and burned like the fires of hell.

I had two impacted wisdom teeth removed while I was in boot camp using only Novocaine. Not much pain (at the time), but the cracking and grinding was a bit disturbing. I felt bad for the guys that had all four done.


Platinum Member
Mar 23, 2001
I had this done once. My dentist was always up on new technologies and was testing a "sand blaster" as a drill replacement.

He said it wouldn't require Novocaine so I said ok... lets try it.

Other than all the grit (the vacuum tried to keep up...lol) it was just about pain free, hurting no more than the shot of Novocaine would have.

Side note: I'm guessing that the "sand blaster" didn't go over to well with the rest of his patients since he didn't keep it and went back to the drill.


Jan 6, 2002
Originally posted by: dainthomas
Originally posted by: SunnyD
I've had 3 fillings done without any Novocaine. "Oh, this one isn't that deep, it'll be quick."

Yeah, funny, the nerves aren't that deep either. Bastard.

The next filling I had done (different doc) included Novocaine. About 5 shots of it. Still felt a little (they let me sit a bit too long I think). The worst part was the topical they put on first. Got some on my tongue, it tasted like cinnamon and burned like the fires of hell.

I had two impacted wisdom teeth removed while I was in boot camp using only Novocaine. Not much pain (at the time), but the cracking and grinding was a bit disturbing. I felt bad for the guys that had all four done.

QFT, I also didn't like the smell from the drill grinding my tooth up. The pain was sort of a quick ouch that went away instantly. The burning smell from the drill filled my mouth with a horrible stench I could almost taste. After he was done the smell was worse than the shot or discomfort I felt.


Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2006
I never get the novacaine shot when I get a cavity filled. My day is rueened. The dentist just drills and when the pain gets unbearable I just tap him and he lays off the drill till my nerves chill. It is uncomfortable but it deff isn't as bad as being numb all day and getting the shot.

Thing to note: I hate needles


Jun 19, 2000
I've got a mouth full of fillings and even more crowns. I've never had any form of anesthetic for any of that work. I had the majority of my fillings done as a child with the old slow drill. No Novocain. So, that's what I was used to. I never even knew it was available.

I've never really had anything that I would define as pain while having dental work done. Some brief moments of discomfort that quickly passed is about all. Nowadays, the majority of the drilling done on me is to remove existing filling material to reach a small amount of decay. Very little actual tooth is being removed. As far as the crowns. it's more of the same. They grind around the perimeter of the tooth to create a ledge for the crown to sit on. Very little tooth material removed and nowhere deep enough to require numbing of the area.

I've had 3 of 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and I most definitely got numbed for those and was glad I did.


Jul 14, 2000
yeah i could never do it without the novacaine. the feeling of the drill already drives me nuts, if it hurt on top of that id just let the teeth rot out.

but i dont have a problem with needles


Jan 29, 2005
Originally posted by: boomerang
I've got a mouth full of fillings and even more crowns. I've never had any form of anesthetic for any of that work. I had the majority of my fillings done as a child with the old slow drill. No Novocain. So, that's what I was used to. I never even knew it was available.

I've never really had anything that I would define as pain while having dental work done. Some brief moments of discomfort that quickly passed is about all. Nowadays, the majority of the drilling done on me is to remove existing filling material to reach a small amount of decay. Very little actual tooth is being removed. As far as the crowns. it's more of the same. They grind around the perimeter of the tooth to create a ledge for the crown to sit on. Very little tooth material removed and nowhere deep enough to require numbing of the area.

I've had 3 of 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and I most definitely got numbed for those and was glad I did.

I don't know how anyone could willingly go through having their wisdoms pulled while awake! Considering their location and stunted growth I'd pay any amount to be put under during something like that. Being numb wouldn't be enough, the torquing and ripping would freak me out way too much.


Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
Forget the novocaine ... you must try the Nitrous!


Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
For those of you curious about how it feels without the numb, not very good... but when you have a great dentist (and a fear of needles) it really does help with the whole ordeal. Thanks for the service Dr. Steve! :thumbsup:

I had an Air Force dentist try that bullshit with me. Actually had to grab his wrist before he could put the drill to the tooth. He threw up his hands and said he could deal with this and walked out of the exam room. I felt bad for the Senior Airman assistant. Kinda caught her off guard, she politely and sheepishly excused herself and came back 5 minutes later with a civilian dentist who profusely apologized for the behavior of the previous 'dentist' and then gave me a big local shot. :)


Jun 19, 2000
Originally posted by: BrokenVisage
Originally posted by: boomerang
I've had 3 of 4 of my wisdom teeth removed and I most definitely got numbed for those and was glad I did.

I don't know how anyone could willingly go through having their wisdoms pulled while awake! Considering their location and stunted growth I'd pay any amount to be put under during something like that. Being numb wouldn't be enough, the torquing and ripping would freak me out way too much.
Mine came right out. He just wiggled them side to side and gave a pull and out they came - intact. My roots weren't all gnarled up or anything. I had them done one at a time through the years as necessary. I actually had hoped to keep them my whole life. My Dentist more or less got tired of filling them. He would complain about how difficult it was to work back there.

Edit: Fixed the messed up quoting.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2000
Weird thing, I can handle drilling and fillings without novacaine or any anesthesia whatsoever.

What I can't stand is when they are checking my teeth with the metal pick and they scrape and poke....its like nails on a chalkboard to me.



Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2003
Never have had novocaine for dental work...even for a root canal (which hurt like hell even with a good dentist).


No Lifer
Nov 1, 2001
Originally posted by: SilentZero
Never have had novocaine for dental work...even for a root canal (which hurt like hell even with a good dentist).

you are totally nuts not to have local anesthesia for a root canal. that nerve is fiery angry and it would hurt every inch of me to have that procedure done without being numb.