Just get into Battlefield...what the deal with Clan's


Senior member
Dec 11, 1999
Just getting into online gaming.... Battlefield 2 and 2142. got a question...what the deal with Clans. I see you can add caln tags and people playing with clan tags. But what the advantage or what I'm I missing.



Senior member
Sep 3, 2002
Think of clans as sporting teams of sorts. People join clans for a variety of reasons. They generally participate in organised wars against other clans which may or may not be part of an organised compettion among many clans.

Don't be in a hurry to join one. You can still play and get all the enjoyment you want without being in one.
If you regularly play on one particular server which is run or frequented by a particular clan/clans they may (after some time) ask you to join if you and your style of play suits their clan type.
I am part of a mature aged (over 30's) clan in Australia. We own our own server and run it the way we want. We don't tolerate the "kiddies", hackers or just plain tools at all. We also run custom maps. We pay for the maintenace, upkeep, upgrade and running of our server and that is what our clan is about. We aren't in any organised competitions but we do war occasioanlly with other Day of Defeat:Source clans for fun.

There are many many clans in the many online games, if you want to be part of one, I suggest you hang and play with players you like to play with and they will probably invite you aboard eventually.

Can anyone else explain it better. I think I gibbered on a bit.


Senior member
Dec 11, 1999
thanks for the explanation..... being of the "Mature aged" lol I wasn't sure what a clan was. I got the game for my boys to play and got hooked.



Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Clinth
thanks for the explanation..... being of the "Mature aged" lol I wasn't sure what a clan was. I got the game for my boys to play and got hooked.


It is easy to get hooked on BF2. I haven't played 2142, but I heard ti is easy to get hooked on that too.

I used to run a "clan" but we liked calling it a "gaming community" since the word "clan" evokes a lot of weird looks when we would talk about "our clan" in public. Our clan was 18+ too and we had a lot of fun due to most of us knew each other in real life. However, realize that they can also be annoying.

It is important to take time to make sure you really enjoy the people you join/form a clan with. It is fantastic to have one in game because you'll learn that team work dominates BF2. Without teamwork - you're hosed.