Just found out sister + brother in law are seperated/divorcing


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Sort of not surprised. Sister has turned into an alcoholic prior to even meeting this guy. They've been married for about 4 years now and have a 3 year old son.

No domestic violence that I'm aware of, he probably just got sick of taking my sister's shit. She is belligerent when she is drunk. I remember talking to him last year confused at how he can put up with it....but also saying is a good doobie for taking good care of her.

So if she was drunk and belligerent at last years x-mas....I just can't wait for this year!!!

All the while we just got through the awkward/frustrations of family get-togethers when our mom and father-in-law got divorced about 5 years ago.

Yay for family holiday awesomness that will occur! Any luck she won't be a drunk fool?

$EDIT$ probably should point out my sister is actually a great person, she is reliable, funny, smart, kind...but she just drinks too much and MUST Have wine / beer in order to be with people period or have a good time


Jan 16, 2001
Alkie divorcee with 3-year old kid. Yeah, a real winner there...fo'sho gotta hook up wit dat dere! No offense, OP. Just trying to educate the masses.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
lol, no pics for you! Had it been a sister-in-law, maybe I would not be so gracious


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
So she is an alcoholic. Has she considered stopping alcohol altogether or is her marriage and son not worth it?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
So she is an alcoholic. Has she considered stopping alcohol altogether or is her marriage and son not worth it?

According to her and my mother who also enables her "She's/I'm not an alcoholic, she/I doesn't/don't drink as much as you think she/I does/do"

My plan of action for marriage fixation for her: Get off your alcohol, get off your meds, STOP THE INSANITY!



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
According to her and my mother who also enables her "She's/I'm not an alcoholic, she/I doesn't/don't drink as much as you think she/I does/do"

My plan of action for marriage fixation for her: Get off your alcohol, get off your meds, STOP THE INSANITY!

If alcohol isn't that big a deal for her it should be easy enough to go off it for a while to prove to her family that she's willing to put in effort even if she thinks it's a waste of time. If she disagrees she is either addicted to it or too selfish to bother with anyway. And if after a month or two she's the same without the booze, well she can go back to it and celebrate with a drink. I think it's fvcking sad and pathetic how many people just assume alcohol must be a part of their life and are unwilling to expunge it.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
If alcohol isn't that big a deal for her it should be easy enough to go off it for a while to prove to her family that she's willing to put in effort even if she thinks it's a waste of time. If she disagrees she is either addicted to it or too selfish to bother with anyway. And if after a month or two she's the same without the booze, well she can go back to it and celebrate with a drink. I think it's fvcking sad and pathetic how many people just assume alcohol must be a part of their life and are unwilling to expunge it.

yes, and also how many people don't see how much worse of a person they are to be around when they are intoxicated.. It's like, you need a youtube video of how cool you are to be around sober vs. how lame you are drunk and then if you can't tell the difference it's almost fucking hopeless.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Anyway, from experience I can tell you that you can't fix the problem, only she can. All you can do is protect yourself through your own actions and responses to the issue. Consider alcoholics as radioactive and use the same precautions: time, distance, and shielding. Less time together = less time to do damage, more distance = less damage, emotionally shield yourself. Not cheerful advice but it worked for me.

El Guaraguao

Diamond Member
May 7, 2008
Anyway, from experience I can tell you that you can't fix the problem, only she can. All you can do is protect yourself through your own actions and responses to the issue. Consider alcoholics as radioactive and use the same precautions: time, distance, and shielding. Less time together = less time to do damage, more distance = less damage, emotionally shield yourself. Not cheerful advice but it worked for me.

in other words, mind your own business.



Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2008
Your mom and father-in-law got married? I'd like to see your family tree


epic fail at description of step-father

anyway my family tree is kind of messed up, no incest or anything but lots of people in the tree I'm not really genetically related to


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2009

epic fail at description of step-father

anyway my family tree is kind of messed up, no incest or anything but lots of people in the tree I'm not really genetically related to

Hmm - out of curiosity, how then are you related?