Just fnished Mass Effect (PC).(SLIGHT SPOILERS)


Dec 11, 2000
Well, there's enough animosity toward the game on this board due to the problems people seem to be having with it. I'd just like to take a minute and acknowledge the other side of the community who had no problems running the game and enjoyed every moment. The last six months have given me The Witcher and Mass Effect and it's been great to have some solid RPGs to play. I loved The Witcher but I think ME beats it. I felt like I cared more about the big decisions made in ME than I have in previous RPGs of late.

I enjoyed the graphics (most of the time), music, dialogs, and atmosphere set by the game (even if it was cheesy at times). I beat it in just under 30 hours game time and I thought I'd have gotten the completionist achievement easily, but nope, I didn't. I checked out an achievement guide now that I've finished the game and noticed that while I didn't miss it by much, there were still a decent number of quests for me to find and complete. This is one of the first games in awhile that I've beaten and immediately wanted to start replaying.

I feel bad for those who are having technical issues with the game, but I just have to say that ME jumped to one of my top 10 games and I'm anxiously awaiting Bringing Down the Sky.


Oct 9, 1999
I'm going to wait until a patch(es) are released and the price comes down a little. I really want to play it but I've learned to wait until a patch before starting a game.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2003
Originally posted by: MustISO
I'm going to wait until a patch(es) are released and the price comes down a little. I really want to play it but I've learned to wait until a patch before starting a game.

There might not be a patch, the last Bioware game (Jade Empire) did not have a patch.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: MustISO
I'm going to wait until a patch(es) are released and the price comes down a little. I really want to play it but I've learned to wait until a patch before starting a game.

There might not be a patch, the last Bioware game (Jade Empire) did not have a patch.

Jade Empire is pretty bug free, in fact I can't think of any bugs.

I'm waiting for a crack for the game before I buy it (I've heard the current ones don't work), I don't want to have to disable daemon tools or emulation within it, because I use that for some of my games that don't have no cd hacks.

I also do not like the prospect of being tied to the makers, heaven forbid they go out of business and I want to replay the game.

Not advocating piracy, it is within my right to crack a game I buy.


Dec 11, 2000
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: MustISO
I'm going to wait until a patch(es) are released and the price comes down a little. I really want to play it but I've learned to wait until a patch before starting a game.

There might not be a patch, the last Bioware game (Jade Empire) did not have a patch.

Jade Empire is pretty bug free, in fact I can't think of any bugs.

I'm waiting for a crack for the game before I buy it (I've heard the current ones don't work), I don't want to have to disable daemon tools or emulation within it, because I use that for some of my games that don't have no cd hacks.

I also do not like the prospect of being tied to the makers, heaven forbid they go out of business and I want to replay the game.

Not advocating piracy, it is within my right to crack a game I buy.

I was randomly reading the Bioware ME forums and in the MEPC FAQ it said that the game is only activating once now? Maybe these were old posts?

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
I solved my issues with a reinstall, and I just finished the game today. I loved it. Easily one of the best games I've ever played (the story and dialogue system which made for a movie-like atmosphere were a large part of the reason why).


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
Jade Empire is pretty bug free, in fact I can't think of any bugs.

Jade Empire Known Issues

Doesn't seem that bad, most games have lists of bugs that go on for 20 pages.

Some of those aren't even bugs, just obvious recommendations:

"On minimum requirement systems the frame-rate may drop in areas with many opponents, using magic, while the user is in focus mode. If this occurs, turning the resolution down may fix the problem."

"Jade Empire will allow players with ATI cards to set the game to widescreen. This is not recommended unless you have a widescreen monitor."

Why would those even be listed?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2003
I'm working my way through it now. No bugs as of yet (other than shitty AI pathing, I often lose party members on staircases and such). That said, I DON'T WANT TO WATCH THE SAME DAMN CUT SCENES OVER AND OVER WHEN I DIE. I was about ready to punch a hole in my wall after watching the same 2 minute cut scene for the 10th time.

And the dialogue is too quiet. I have to turn the volume up during conversations and then turn it back down for normal play.


No Lifer
Apr 3, 2001
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
I'm waiting for a crack for the game before I buy it (I've heard the current ones don't work), I don't want to have to disable daemon tools or emulation within it, because I use that for some of my games that don't have no cd hacks.
I verified last night that when I installed the game and when I launched it, Daemon Tools Lite was running and currently had an image mounted.

Originally posted by: legoman666
I'm working my way through it now. No bugs as of yet (other than shitty AI pathing, I often lose party members on staircases and such). That said, I DON'T WANT TO WATCH THE SAME DAMN CUT SCENES OVER AND OVER WHEN I DIE. I was about ready to punch a hole in my wall after watching the same 2 minute cut scene for the 10th time.

That's my major beef at this point. It took me five or so tries to get past one point, and I had to go through two conversation trees every time.
I also found that you cannot quick save in certain areas. I don't care for that, either.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Totally agree, ME is a fantastic game and like I said in the other thread, would be my GOTY for 2007 if it released on PC. Its currently my front-runner in 2008 although its still very early. Definitely not perfect, but its been quite a long time that I've played a game that has gotten so many things right and makes it difficult for you to walk away from it.

Here's some goods and bads that come to mind:


- Varied gameplay throughout. At its heart, ME would probably be a TPS that handles like an FPS within a story-driven RPG. But there's tons of of mini-games that are seamlessly integrated into the game that keep mundane events interesting. Even in the FPS portions of the game there's some neat design/scripting/story twists to keep you on your toes.

- Difficulty, EXP and money scale based on your level, meaning there is no "set progression" or predefined order of completion. Some plot threads can eliminate other options though, but for most stuff you can complete them in any order without any money or EXP penalty which is a great feature. MMOs would do well to take note of this.

- Combat/control/cover system is very engaging, fun and well-designed. Weapons feel rough at first, but as you progress and upgrade them and your own talents, you definitely see them improve. By the end they're what you might come to expect from a standard FPS in terms of accuracy and handling. Overall combat feels a bit too fast-paced to mess with squad commands most of the time. I'm looking forward to playing through again as a Biotic/CQC-type char and use the squad commands more as fire support.

- Game is extremely polished from a production point of view. Visuals, sound, voice-acting, story, artistic design are all exceptional. As many others have stated the game has a cinematic feel to it without feeling as scripted/funneled as say, CoD4. All of it runs seamlessly on my rig at 1920 with everything set to highest. I've read it runs well on lesser systems as well. A particular strong point is how seamless zones/transitions are. The game does a great job of precaching and using cut-scenes to disguise loading, but rarely do you ever see a "Loading" text and even when you do its only for a few seconds. This really keeps the game flowing so what you see on-screen seems fluid and continuous experience (but makes it really hard to find stopping points!).

- Inventory/items have quite a bit of variety that allow you to put as little or as much interest into it as you like. You can customize your weapons, ammo and armor. I think at Normal difficulty you wouldn't need to really pay attention to this stuff, but at harder difficulties it might prove more beneficial. One minor gripe is the variety and selection of mods seemed somewhat limited for weapons.


- Money and gear are very scarce to start and items from vendors are insanely expensive. This changes pretty drastically once you start clearing some of the plot quests to the point you are replacing gear in the field faster than you can buy/sell it.

- You can't control what talents your squad mates choose. This means if you want to have the best electronics and decryption throughout (which leads to better armor/weapons and more money), you need to spec it yourself as your squad mate may choose something entirely different. Unfortunately you're probably half-way through the game by the time you realize this.

- The auto-aim is pretty cool overall, but I still wish there was some kind of manual control over the reticle, particularly at long ranges. Along with depth of field blur/focus, lack of targeting info at long range really hurts an otherwise very gratifying sniper experience.

- Most Doors really should auto-open or stay open after opened once. I can understand why some in hostile areas don't, but having to click/engage a door on the Normandy or the Citadel just gets old.

- Some redundant/repetitious level and character design. There's like 3-4 "generic" indoor structure styles for the side quests. Main plot areas are huge and well designed. For an engine that can clearly create just about any facial style....I found ME used many of the same facial structures. Particularly for Human Female (all Doctors, Jenna, etc) and Asari........ I can understand the repetition with the indoor areas, but for characters, especially ones you engage in dialogue with, its a pretty bad oversight.

- Overall I found the interface/menus well designed and easy to navigate with a few exceptions. Draggin the map and accidentally hitting an icon zooms you out a level to the mission/assignment screen....but not to the relevant one. Mission/Assignment screen was pretty cryptic also. It doesn't put a priority on any mission/assignment, which is how the game is designed (Missions are the priority, Assignments are like side-quests), but it still feels really clunky and aimless. Few other minor annoyances I had, like I didn't see a way to remove a socketed mod/ammo upgrade without replacing it with another or having to hit compare in some screens but not others (like at an NPC).

So that's a quick overview of some things that came to mind. Overall a great game and as TheVrolok said, a game I can already see myself playing through again making different choices and harder difficulty.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: legoman666
I'm working my way through it now. No bugs as of yet (other than shitty AI pathing, I often lose party members on staircases and such). That said, I DON'T WANT TO WATCH THE SAME DAMN CUT SCENES OVER AND OVER WHEN I DIE. I was about ready to punch a hole in my wall after watching the same 2 minute cut scene for the 10th time.

And the dialogue is too quiet. I have to turn the volume up during conversations and then turn it back down for normal play.

No major AI issues here by just walking, although 1 of 2 squad mates will typically get hung-up if I issue a move order close to a wall or object for both of them.

The death animation doesn't seem to take that long....fade to black-ish with a choice to load last save etc. Not sure what class/difficulty you are playing but some of the talents and armor upgrades go a long way to help improve your survivability.

As for dialogue being too quiet.....have you tried adjusting the sound volume independently in the sound options? Like if voice was too soft, keep that maxed, reduce game sounds and music to 75%, then turn up your windows/speakers/amp/headphone volume. Then you shouldn't have to constantly adjust your sound.


Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
Jade Empire is pretty bug free, in fact I can't think of any bugs.

Jade Empire Known Issues

Doesn't seem that bad, most games have lists of bugs that go on for 20 pages.

Some of those aren't even bugs, just obvious recommendations:

"On minimum requirement systems the frame-rate may drop in areas with many opponents, using magic, while the user is in focus mode. If this occurs, turning the resolution down may fix the problem."

"Jade Empire will allow players with ATI cards to set the game to widescreen. This is not recommended unless you have a widescreen monitor."

Why would those even be listed?

Um, no shit? Those aren't bugs, just comments that idiots posted in their threads on the Jade Empire forums.


Apr 15, 2004
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
I'm waiting for a crack for the game before I buy it (I've heard the current ones don't work), I don't want to have to disable daemon tools or emulation within it, because I use that for some of my games that don't have no cd hacks.

I also do not like the prospect of being tied to the makers, heaven forbid they go out of business and I want to replay the game.

Not advocating piracy, it is within my right to crack a game I buy.

Daemon Tools works fine with the game, I haven't had any issues with it


Jun 3, 2003
Originally posted by: chizow


- You can't control what talents your squad mates choose. This means if you want to have the best electronics and decryption throughout (which leads to better armor/weapons and more money), you need to spec it yourself as your squad mate may choose something entirely different. Unfortunately you're probably half-way through the game by the time you realize this.

- The auto-aim is pretty cool overall, but I still wish there was some kind of manual control over the reticle, particularly at long ranges. Along with depth of field blur/focus, lack of targeting info at long range really hurts an otherwise very gratifying sniper experience.

Just a clarification on two of your points here.

- You can disable auto-level up and assign points manually for each squad mate in the game by going to the game settings menu.

- You can adjust the level of auto aim from high ( meaning you get a lot of help ) to low ( you get little to no help in aiming ) in the game settings menu as well.



Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2006
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: MustISO
I'm going to wait until a patch(es) are released and the price comes down a little. I really want to play it but I've learned to wait until a patch before starting a game.

There might not be a patch, the last Bioware game (Jade Empire) did not have a patch.

Jade Empire is pretty bug free, in fact I can't think of any bugs.

I'm waiting for a crack for the game before I buy it (I've heard the current ones don't work), I don't want to have to disable daemon tools or emulation within it, because I use that for some of my games that don't have no cd hacks.

I also do not like the prospect of being tied to the makers, heaven forbid they go out of business and I want to replay the game.

Not advocating piracy, it is within my right to crack a game I buy.

You don't need to crack it. The disc is not required to be in the drive to play. DTools causes no problems.


Oct 11, 1999
Yeah without going into much detail since I only played it for one night so far, the game itself is excellent, as 360 and now PC reviews say.

The PC port is of good quality as well. All this oh noes the DRM talk was stupid. I put in the disc, put in my cdkey, installed it, took out the disc, and played it. No complaints about Daemon Tools being installed and for what do you need a crack for anyway? I'm just trying to get people to quit spreading myths about the game, and to go buy the damn thing. And this comes up a lot, but if they went out of business, I'm sure they would release a patch to disable any check. And AFAIK it only does the authentication once at startup (you don't even notice it happening) and when you want to download new content.

People always say DRM hurts legit buyers and does nothing for pirates. I can understand that but in this case I don't see the DRM being any problem, and from what people have said, the first cracked/ripped versions of the game were actually broken, hah! Good, games like this need to at least sell decently or we won't get decent quality ports of excellent games like this anymore.

As far as perfomance: at 1680x1050 with mid details, film grain & motion blur off, it was playable but too choppy for me, so I need to drop the resolution down. But on a 2.7ghz X2, 2GB, and a 7800GT, I'm surprised it runs as well as it does.


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
Originally posted by: duragezic
Yeah without going into much detail since I only played it for one night so far, the game itself is excellent, as 360 and now PC reviews say.

The PC port is of good quality as well. All this oh noes the DRM talk was stupid. I put in the disc, put in my cdkey, installed it, took out the disc, and played it. No complaints about Daemon Tools being installed and for what do you need a crack for anyway? I'm just trying to get people to quit spreading myths about the game, and to go buy the damn thing.
So it's a myth that you do not have any guarantee of being able to install this game? A myth that you effectively cannot resell it? A myth that you'll be paying EA for the privilege of calling them after third install, if not before?
And this comes up a lot, but if they went out of business, I'm sure they would release a patch to disable any check.
So why do they not *say* exactly that in writing?
For that matter, why do they not promise to release that patch after ~all the pirate copies in circulation work correctly and it's obvious the copy protection shipped on legit copies no longer has an effect on piracy?
People always say DRM hurts legit buyers and does nothing for pirates. I can understand that but in this case I don't see the DRM being any problem
... yet.
Good, games like this need to at least sell decently or we won't get decent quality ports of excellent games like this anymore.
If DRM like this sells decently, there'll likely be more of it wrapped around excellent games in the future. I'll pass buying any number of games if it means the ones after come unencumbered.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Drift3r
Originally posted by: chizow


- You can't control what talents your squad mates choose. This means if you want to have the best electronics and decryption throughout (which leads to better armor/weapons and more money), you need to spec it yourself as your squad mate may choose something entirely different. Unfortunately you're probably half-way through the game by the time you realize this.

- The auto-aim is pretty cool overall, but I still wish there was some kind of manual control over the reticle, particularly at long ranges. Along with depth of field blur/focus, lack of targeting info at long range really hurts an otherwise very gratifying sniper experience.

Just a clarification on two of your points here.

- You can disable auto-level up and assign points manually for each squad mate in the game by going to the game settings menu.

- You can adjust the level of auto aim from high ( meaning you get a lot of help ) to low ( you get little to no help in aiming ) in the game settings menu as well.

Ah cool, thanks for the clarifications. I'll have to change that....auto-assign really should be off by default. I kept hitting the auto assign in the Squad tab and saw it didn't do anything. As for auto-aim, I guess I should've said auto-target. I'll mess with the setting to see what it does, but I don't think it'll resolve the problem of not getting a lock-on reticle on the target in your crosshairs at long range with a sniper rifle. There was also times the reticle would lock onto a different target than the one I was aiming at at closer ranges.


Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2001
so for those with lots of experience with the game, what classes are the most fun to play?

Are the hybrid classes any good? I just got the game and I'm thinking to go either full-on Soldier or full-on Adept. I figure I can get tech skills from party members.

what say ye?

Red Storm

Oct 2, 2005
I played through once as Soldier, now I'm on my second run as an Adept. I believe the Vanguard (Soldier/Adept hybrid) is the "strongest" class.


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2005
Well, I just beat it with the Infiltrator. Trying again with a soldier - I expect combat to be much easier, simply because the pistol is the least effective weapon there is. And the sniper rifle, while wonderful in places where it's appropriate, is not appropriate in 90% of all situations.
I'd probably recommend going full on soldier the first time through simply to get the assault rifle unlocked on other classes on subsequent playthroughs.

The inventory interface blows. I keep hearing how much improved it is over the 360 version, but at this point all I can assume is that the 360 interface must've been so awful it was easier to never change weapons then to deal with it. No stacking, limited sorting, very limited viewing area. Bioware's been making RPGs for, what, a decade now? And yet their interface is more primitive then your typical SNES rpg?



Diamond Member
Jul 4, 2001
Originally posted by: PhatoseAlpha
Well, I just beat it with the Infiltrator. Trying again with a soldier - I expect combat to be much easier, simply because the pistol is the least effective weapon there is. And the sniper rifle, while wonderful in places where it's appropriate, is not appropriate in 90% of all situations.
I'd probably recommend going full on soldier the first time through simply to get the assault rifle unlocked on other classes on subsequent playthroughs.

ahh, things you unlock on one playthrough carry over to subsequent ones? nifty!

ok, i'll go soldier first. thanks!


Platinum Member
Apr 10, 2005
Not exactly - It's achievement based. Certain achievements carry bonuses - the weapon skills and the allow you to choose that skill as a bonus feat on subsequent playthough, though AFAIK it's limited to one. Other achievements provide bonuses like XP boosts or new equipment for sale.
You also get a new game+, in case you feel like steamrolling.