Just finished Call of Duty: World at War...


Senior member
Feb 28, 2005
I just beat Call of Duty: World at War today, and I was just happy it was over. While the game itself was really well done, it really wasn't as polished as Call of Duty 4. I really liked both games, but I got sucked into COD4, and I never really felt that "pull" for this game, you know? The story was really disjointed, a lot of missions just kind of....ended, and some of the voice acting (Russian in particular) was just too over the top.

Granted, I may be a little jaded, and maybe just sick of games based on WW2- having played MOHAA, Breakthrough, Spearhead, Rising Sun, Frontlines, COD 1,2, United Offensive, and beating Company of Heroes twice. I really loved the modern day stuff in COD4, so I guess this World at War game already had a couple strikes against it...

I'd probably give this game a 7/10. Graphics were great, the missions were pretty varied (except for torching every Japanese soldier I came across - that got a little boring...wait, that was awesome), maybe it's just time for me to stop playing WW2 shooters.


Platinum Member
Mar 8, 2005
Specially when you add up all these WW2 shooter, starting in Medal of Honor, it last longer than the actual WW2.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2006
I agree....I think the move to go back to WW2 with CoD5 was a very bad choice.
Everyone was excited about CoD4 cuz its...well...'modern'.

CoD4 got game of the year (or was it Crysis ;))......anyway...CoD5 can't possibly compete with anything else out there for GOTY this year.
I personally can't wait for Modern Warfare 2 (CoD6) next year.


Diamond Member
Jul 10, 2007
I started playing COD2 again because I want to play some more WWII. I can't afford World at War. There's nothing like shooting Nazis in the face with a bolt-action rifle to pass the time.
Nov 26, 2005
I'd like to see what they can do maybe with a journey to Vietnam. With the graphics being better than in COD4, maybe the next iteration would serve a Vietnam era better. I remember Tour of Duty way back when and loved it. It was a fresh change from so much dod-beta. My vote goes to a Vietnam.


Golden Member
Mar 14, 2007
Originally posted by: coldmeat
I started playing COD2 again because I want to play some more WWII. I can't afford World at War. There's nothing like shooting Nazis in the face with a bolt-action rifle to pass the time.

Especially when you have to shoot them twice sometimes.


Apr 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Xellos2099
Specially when you add up all these WW2 shooter, starting in Medal of Honor, it last longer than the actual WW2.

What is this supposed to mean? I saw this once in some lame ass review of a WWII game. AFAIK we have had enough modern day FPS's that lasted far longer than any modern day war. Yet nobody brings this up as some talking point against modern day FPS games.


Dec 5, 2000
Originally posted by: Genx87
Originally posted by: Xellos2099
Specially when you add up all these WW2 shooter, starting in Medal of Honor, it last longer than the actual WW2.

What is this supposed to mean? I saw this once in some lame ass review of a WWII game. AFAIK we have had enough modern day FPS's that lasted far longer than any modern day war. Yet nobody brings this up as some talking point against modern day FPS games.

no one says it about WWII movies either and they've been made for far longer than than ANY video games.

it's just one of the dumbest comments I've ever heard.



Senior member
May 7, 2008
Im in the same boat.

COD4 drew me in, and I couldn't stop playing the single player and multiplayer. Infact, I went through and beat the single player in every difficulty level because it was so much fun. W@W on the other hand, I was just glad to get it over with. There was no real pay off, there was no surprise ending or any missions that I would like to do over again. With COD4, there were a lot of missions I wanted to repeat, just to see the movie like cinematic scenes. W@W has an o.k. multiplayer, but I don't prestige, and see no real reason to keep playing.

So Im looking forward to COD6 as well. For now, I will keep a killin in GTA4.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
does it have Co-op mode in PC versions? i was thinking that might be one reason why i might consider it, if it has it, how is it? is it a lot of co-op fun like L4D?


Senior member
May 7, 2008
Yes it has Co-op, but Activision (treyarch) has not yet addressed the HUGE issue with it so far. You can create a Coop game, but joining a game off the of the server list, won't work. Some of us have found a way that works, just add friends into your list. Then invite them into your game, and it works that way.

So hold off on buying it until you see a patch that addresses the CO-OP problem, if your buying it for that reason.... or else you will feel SUPER ripped off and be pissed (with 75% of the other people who have already bought the game)


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2006
wow that's almost a show stopping bug, why release a game in that state when they were touting the co-op mode so much?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2005
Originally posted by: MrToilet
I just beat Call of Duty: World at War today, and I was just happy it was over. While the game itself was really well done, it really wasn't as polished as Call of Duty 4. I really liked both games, but I got sucked into COD4, and I never really felt that "pull" for this game, you know? The story was really disjointed, a lot of missions just kind of....ended, and some of the voice acting (Russian in particular) was just too over the top.

Originally posted by: cyphilis
COD4 drew me in, and I couldn't stop playing the single player and multiplayer. Infact, I went through and beat the single player in every difficulty level because it was so much fun. W@W on the other hand, I was just glad to get it over with. There was no real pay off, there was no surprise ending or any missions that I would like to do over again. With COD4, there were a lot of missions I wanted to repeat, just to see the movie like cinematic scenes. W@W has an o.k. multiplayer, but I don't prestige, and see no real reason to keep playing.

I agree just about 100% with these two paragraphs.