Just built, now getting NTLDR error


Feb 16, 2007
I booted up the computer for the first time. I saw on the screen that it properly recognized my HDD, cd roms, RAM, etc and was very pleased. It had a bunch of warning messages on the screen (reconfigure for overclock or something like that). Anyway, I stuck my XP cd into the cdrom and then the computer began the formatting sequence. It ran the format, then told me it could not format the hard drive. I told it to try again and it restarted, then it told me

NTLDR is missing
Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart

I've been getting it ever since. What happened?? And how can I fix it? The harddrive looked fine on the bootup screen (proper name, size), so whats wrong with the HDD that first it wouldnt format and now this? Please HELP!!


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2005
Try the hd on another computer see if you can format it there (not quick format). If you can then it's your windows cd, if you can't then its your hard drive.