Just bought a Conductive Pen, planning on shorting L6 and L7 bridges few q's


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
I just bought a Conductive Pen for closing some of my L6/7 bridges on my Duron 800. It's running happily for allmost 4 months at 112x8.0. My mobo obviously is limited to fsb ocing. Heres what my q's are,
1. I'm planning on increasing the multiplier to 9.0 and the vcore to 1.75/1.8 what should my vcore be at this CPU Speed? Is the full 1.85 really necessary?
2. I've got a Thermaltake Volcano 2 HSF, it's keeping the temps right now at 112x8 at 45C under load, i'm planning on going to 112x9.0@1.75 or 1.8v. My q is that should it keep temps under load, under 60C?
3. How can I unshort a bridge? Like lets say I can't do 112x9.0? How can I unshort the L6 to go down to 8.5 multiplier? Thanks guys


Senior member
Jun 17, 2001
what motherboard are you using? if you short all the L1's, then you can use any multiplier you wish. the only other issue is the voltage. only go as high as you need to go. first try to overclock with default voltage. if that is unsuccessful, then raise it one step at a time. i dont know much about the volcano2, but just keep an eye on your temps, and make sure there's some good grease between your chip and hsf. i use arctic silver2, and it works great!


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
unfortunately it's a ECS K7VMA so i've oced my CPU to the max w/o using the L6/7 bridges. Anyone else?