Just a quicky question again.


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Ok so im buying a p4c800-e mb with p4 3.0, 1g of corsair ddr, and a Geforce 6800 256mb card.
Im gonna go through Newegg, ive always gone with a different company to build my previous comp so my question is, how good are they, IE, is it recommended to buy the extended warranty or are they general good about sending you good product, the place ive always gone to, ive only ever one bought something bad from them and they replaced it immediatly so it was no big deal and ive been dealing with them for the past 8 years....


Mar 2, 2004
newegg is about the best you can get for online retail. there are other companies that are very good also, but newegg remains #1. since you seem to be a gamer, y dont you go with the athlon 64? better gaming performance and everything is faster except encoding/decoding then a compared intel. an athlon 64 3000+ will perform as well, if not better, hten a P4 3.2C. if you still decide to stick with intel, then get the northwood at least. its faster.


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Mik3y, the reason I dont go for the athlon is because im generally mistrusting of AMD, ive had bad luck with them twice, and while its been awhile im just not sure about them, i know what everyone says and im sure they are good but pentium has been fairly damn reliable for me, but im still not for sure on what im doing, but i do feel comfortable with a pentium.


Junior Member
Aug 12, 2004
Oh yeah and another question, 6800 vs 6800 gt vs 6800 ultra.... Ok obviously the Ultra is the king of the three, but whats the difference between the 6800 and the 6800 gt, cuz it seems to be a matter of like 20 dollars if your talking money? and the specs look the same to me but i probably am not seeing something that will make a difference. oh and whats the northwood? (Sorry guys im just not that knowledgeable, i know things but not a lot of things when it comes to comps)


Senior member
Jan 2, 2002
I believe that the GT is a crippled Ultra... and that through overclocking you can get close (if not equal) to Ultra speeds. Non-ultra 6800's have less pipes I think... 12 instead of 16 which Ultra's and GT's have.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong!.

Bottom line though... read all the fine print. Various manufactures name/number their products to make you think you are getting the superest version for less money. i.e. I think there's a "Gainward Ultra 6800 GT" that's really just a GT... as opposed to a 6800 Ultra. =P