Jury Summons?


Apr 8, 2001
Went to get the mail and noticed there was one in there from the city courts. So I decided to open it there instead of waiting till I took it back to my desk and while doing so noticed it was from the juvenile courts division.

Turns out the letter is some sort of an eligibility questioner. Wondering if anyone else has received these types of things before and if so is this just something done for juvenile courts and is it a good chance that if none of the ineligible choices are marked will I be getting an actual summons?


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
It's the right answer. Jury questionnaires are pretty standard. I get one every few years. I answer the questions, fill out the "If you checked box a, b, or c, explain here" sections, mail it back and I'm ALWAYS excused from jury duty.


Aug 17, 2000
I didn't even get a questionnaire. I've got jury duty in downtown Detroit next Tuesday. It said on the summons because I filled out a questionnaire and got called for jury duty, but was never picked I was getting summoned right off the bat. That was like 8 years ago.:confused:


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2009
I never send anything back. They just stopped sending shit to me about 5 years ago. 3 years ago I moved, and got a new license, and I still haven't gotten anything. In my 30's and haven't had jury duty once.


Apr 8, 2001
It's the right answer. Jury questionnaires are pretty standard. I get one every few years. I answer the questions, fill out the "If you checked box a, b, or c, explain here" sections, mail it back and I'm ALWAYS excused from jury duty.

That's what I was interested in knowing. For me personally getting duty doesn't really matter, I drive 30 miles to work in one direction or 10 miles to the courthouse in another and get paid the same. Was just interested in how likely a summons was if I don't select any of the disqualifying categories.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
That's what I was interested in knowing. For me personally getting duty doesn't really matter, I drive 30 miles to work in one direction or 10 miles to the courthouse in another and get paid the same. Was just interested in how likely a summons was if I don't select any of the disqualifying categories.

If you don't have anything that disqualifies you, you'll probably get the summons. here, that means you have to call in the night before...and if your group isn't excused beforehand, you have to show up...then you hang around in the jury area waiting to see if they need you or not. If they decide to call you, then you get to sit around the court room for several hours while the attorneys decide if they want YOU on their jury...

I know some people who get picked for jury service every time, others never are selected.


Apr 8, 2001
Guess I didn't fill out the form with enough bad answers. Just got the duty notice in the mail for next month. Have to do the call in every sunday to see if I have to report to the courthouse for the pool.


May 4, 2001
Have to do the call in every sunday to see if I have to report to the courthouse for the pool.

Every Sunday for a month? That sucks.

I had a notice recently and it just said something like "call this day after this time to see if your number is selected". I wasn't selected, didn't have to call in again after that.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2004
usps sucks, i never receive those jury duty letters they always send to me. ;-)


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2000
I just ignore any jury notice to serve sent.. the letter says something about a fine if you don't send it back, it's just a scare tactic most fall far.

The letter isn't sent certified or registered....no way to prove you ever got it. After a while i stopped getting jury notices, haven't seen one in years now.

Who wants to waste a whole day doing jury duty, i lose more money than it's worth.. some people actually love doing it, they should contact those people to serve.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2004
I just ignore any jury notice to serve sent.. the letter says something about a fine if you don't send it back, it's just a scare tactic most fall far.

The letter isn't sent certified or registered....no way to prove you ever got it. After a while i stopped getting jury notices, haven't seen one in years now.

Who wants to waste a whole day doing jury duty, i lose more money than it's worth.. some people actually love doing it, they should contact those people to serve.

I find this pretty distasteful, its your duty to serve on a jury just as much as it is to pay taxes. This is your obligation as an American citizen...


May 4, 2001
I find this pretty distasteful, its your duty to serve on a jury just as much as it is to pay taxes. This is your obligation as an American citizen...

It's also one of the few ways you can have direct impact on your immediate community by (hopefully) being a rational person.


Diamond Member
Mar 8, 2005
I want to serve on a jury, but I'm always excused. I think it is because I answer the questions honestly.

Last time I made it until the second round of jury selection. It was for a guy who was arrested for speeding, as a felon, with weed and a firearm on him. I was asked how I felt about drug laws, I stated I thought they wasted tax payer money and were pointless (truth). I was then asked how I felt about guns. I stated that I have a lifetime carry permit and support the right to carry, however I also think that people who carry illegally should be punished severely (which a felon is doing).

I was excused.


Apr 8, 2001
Yep, I get paid the same if I make the 45 minute drive to work or the 15 minute one to the courthouse. :)

It listed like 4 or 5 days (sundays), pretty much every one of march to call after 5 and see if I needed to come in that week to become an eligible body. I can see how someone really missing out on $$$$ y this could be pissed, but all I'd have to do is call the boss and leave a voicemail that I wouldn't be in and still get the same paycheck.

Too bad it wasn't at the right time for one of those pirate trials, that thing could have lasted months, much to the detriment of the other guys in my group. :)


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
Every Sunday for a month? That sucks.

I had a notice recently and it just said something like "call this day after this time to see if your number is selected". I wasn't selected, didn't have to call in again after that.

I am going to assume he had jury duty in federal court.

In federal court you are in the jury pool for a month(unless you get seated in a case). Sometimes you are luck like me, and the docket was slow and only had 1 case to be heard that month and I was juror 33/34 for a 6 person jury(ie: not selected). Other times you are not so lucky and you have to go up to the federal building every week.

Pray to god you never get summoned and its for a grand jury. You serve for 18 months in most jurisdictions.
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