courts based on a jury arent really fair. the way i see it, the jury is composed of a bunch of people who were too dumb to get out of jury duty. there are so many ways around it, that if you are one of the few that actually serve, u just wasted your own time thinking you couldnt get out of it. (no offense to ppl who actually wanted to serve jury duty.) i got called for jury duty last summer and the excuse i gave was that i had to take care of my little brother. i just wanted out because i would make more money at my summer job than days spent at jury duty.
other excuses my friend told me was that she said she was racist against all races. they let her off duty immediately. another of my friends told me that since the case involved psychology, that since she took a psychology course in college means that disqualified her because she may know more than what a typical jury would know.
with that said, what were your jury duty excuses?
other excuses my friend told me was that she said she was racist against all races. they let her off duty immediately. another of my friends told me that since the case involved psychology, that since she took a psychology course in college means that disqualified her because she may know more than what a typical jury would know.
with that said, what were your jury duty excuses?