Join the John Wilder Hatefest on CNN Money!

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Senior member
Jul 13, 2005
We all have our differences here at ATPN, but every once in a while there comes along a story on which we all should be able to agree. In the spirit of the holiday season, let us put our bickerings aside and instead focus our collective rage at someone who truly deserves it.

His name is John Wilder - author, marriage counselor, and deadbeat douchebag. This guy racks up 12k in credit card debt, and then decides "enough is enough".... and simply stops paying it. It's a pretty solid financial strategy, which is why he gets featured here on CNN Money's "Living on a Cash Only Diet".

The comments are the best part. He receives a rather unanimous thrashing. Why CNN decided to feature this guy as an example of financial rectitude is anyone's guess. We are certainly missing some details about the nature of his debt, but the manner in which the story is presented can really only lead us to understand him as little more than a common thief. ATPN - Grab your pitchforks and join the fun!


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
I found this article a day or two ago and was somewhat befuddled about this guy. The others were paying down their debt and this guy just said fvck it. Also, a guy that old it's sad that $12k is so much money that he'd completely blitz his credit over it. I mean it's hardly taking the high road. Marriage and relationships coach and can't keep his bills paid, should he be giving personal advice?


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Actually a restructuring of debt is the only way Americans can recover and start spending again. Right or wrong it is what it is.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I found this article a day or two ago and was somewhat befuddled about this guy. The others were paying down their debt and this guy just said fvck it. Also, a guy that old it's sad that $12k is so much money that he'd completely blitz his credit over it. I mean it's hardly taking the high road. Marriage and relationships coach and can't keep his bills paid, should he be giving personal advice?

Skoorb that a hell of a link about running shoes - I'm having serious issues right now with my feet. thx


Apr 8, 2002
I think CNN is honestly doing its best impersonation of The Onion the last 12-18 months. Other stories I have seen were gems like this one.

One was about how tough the job market was. Their examples included some douche who walked from a 75K\year job to sell real estate in 2007 in the middle of the implosion. Some chick who left her 50K\year job to go back to school, didnt like school, and couldnt get her old job back. And some other equally as silly example.

I was running on the treadmill on Tues night and they had some renown global warming alarmist on Anderson Cooper's show. It was nothing but scare mongering. Between having an emblem on the lower right hand side that said "Planet in Peril" to the one that was on the left side that said "Polar Bears in Crisis". It looked like soemthing right off ONN. Then they showed some crevass's made by melting water from the Summer. Supposedly they get really deep but all they could find on this day was one about 10 feet deep. But they assured the viewership they did find ones that were much deeper, like 50-100 feet. But they didnt take footage uh huh.
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