Job situation - opinions on a long commute?


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2001
Money is running tight and I've started looking for another job outside of contract work- problem is that most of the places that are hiring are fairly far away (I live 10 min outside atlanta, it seems like many companies are moving even further out). One place I'm fairly interested in has a 47 minute one-way commute.. now this is against traffic, so it truly would be around 47 minutes. I'm at the point where money is running out and I absolutely have to do something soon or things are going to go downhill quickly. I could get a job in retail for a month or so while looking for a better job but I don't really want to 'screw' someone by up and leaving after a month.

Opinions? How far is your commute?

and just fyi - I'm looking for a 'systems admin' or 'information systems analyst' position. I have 6-7 years at the same company being in charge of all network/desktop development from 50 users when I started until ~400 when I left.


Found a different place - ~35 miles, I work ~6-3.. takes me about 30 minutes in the morning, 45min-an hour in the afternoon. It's only been three weeks, but so far so good!


Apr 26, 2001
It gets old.. I just left a really nice job for an even better one (thankfully) and I had a 4 hour a day commute.. 2 hours there and 2 back. (via train)
Then I decided to start driving instead (2 hours total and 100+ bucks in gas a week)

It's not worth it to be 100% honest, my personal time is much more important to me. There are lots of variables such as traffic, where you live, etc. 47 minutes might not be that bad if it's pure driving without stopping at 100 lights or waiting on traffic... but eventually you'll grow to hate it.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Platypus
It gets old.. I just left a really nice job for an even better one (thankfully) and I had a 4 hour a day commute.. 2 hours there and 2 back. (via train)
Then I decided to start driving instead (2 hours total and 100+ bucks in gas a week)

It's not worth it to be 100% honest, my personal time is much more important to me. There are lots of variables such as traffic, where you live, etc. 47 minutes might not be that bad if it's pure driving without stopping at 100 lights or waiting on traffic... but eventually you'll grow to hate it.

How damn slow was that train? It took twice as long as driving?


Apr 26, 2001
Originally posted by: joshsquall
Originally posted by: Platypus
It gets old.. I just left a really nice job for an even better one (thankfully) and I had a 4 hour a day commute.. 2 hours there and 2 back. (via train)
Then I decided to start driving instead (2 hours total and 100+ bucks in gas a week)

It's not worth it to be 100% honest, my personal time is much more important to me. There are lots of variables such as traffic, where you live, etc. 47 minutes might not be that bad if it's pure driving without stopping at 100 lights or waiting on traffic... but eventually you'll grow to hate it.

How damn slow was that train? It took twice as long as driving?

It was two trains and a bus that all rely on each other. I live in Chicago and the job was out in the northwest suburbs.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2001
After driving from a small town do the downtown area of a large city every morning, then back every evening, each way taking an hour, I would recommend against it. Platypus is right, you will eventually grow to hate it as you add up the amount of your life you have wasted sitting in a car (note: i know there are hundreds of other wasted hours, but i would value an extra hour of sleep, watching a show i enjoy, or hell just about anything than sitting in a car)


Apr 26, 2001
It might not seem bad at first.. but consider two hours each day times 5 days a week. That's 40 hours in a month sitting in a car.. that's an entire work week.

480 hours in a year.

You have to do what you have to do obviously, but eventually it will become such a hassle that you will begin to hate it. I went from a 15 minute commute to what I described above and each when I got up I just felt terrible knowing that I'd have to waste all that time in a car.

Back down to 30 min including walking to and from the train.. and I can read and listen to music as well instead of driving so it's nice to take some personal time even when you're traveling.


Senior member
Sep 11, 2001
Whether the commute bothers you depends on your personality - I drive (w\ my wife, as we are lucky enough to work for the same company) roughly 45 minutes to an hour each morning and night to get to\from work. Its gotten a little old, but you get used to it. If my wife wasn't with me, I'd probably get sirius or XM and just listen to no advertisement music the whole way.



Mar 9, 2000
47 minutes means a little over an hour and a half of each work day will be spent within the confines of your car. think about it :)


Jun 19, 2004
I would love to be only 47 minutes away from work. I travel about 70 miles one way (approximately 1 1/2 hours) every day to work. I traded a salary for hourly pay and am glad I made the change.
Apr 17, 2003
my commute next year will be 80 miles, 1:15 hours in EACH DIRECTION. So yes, I think the commute in the OP is fine.


Jan 7, 2002
I don't see a problem in it. Especially since its against traffic. I have a longer commute and it is just part of the job.


Jan 10, 2001
I have done it and I would not take it again.

1.5 hours per day is 7.5 hours per week. That's a lot of time of your life lost commuting.


Senior member
Aug 27, 2003
Are you currently buying or renting your place? If renting (and you aren't stuck under a lease), why not try out the job for a few months? If it's a good fit and you have some job security, move closer to work.


Jul 1, 2001
If the 8 hours a week sitting in your car during your commute doesn't get to you, the money you're wasting on gas and wear and tear on your cars will.

I can practically guarantee that you'll either end up quitting or moving within a year. Trust me, I've been there... with a newly leased car just to make things worse!


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2006
It takes me 40 minutes to get to work, and I have no complaints whatsoever. In fact, I enjoy my commute because it is the first time of my day I can sit back, relax, and listen to some music.


Senior member
Jun 20, 2005
It takes 1 hr to drive to school on a good day. I have a long way to a Ph.D as well... You'll get used to the commute, but after I'm finish with school, I plan on relocating. I'd say take the job, and keep an eye out for another one closer to home.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Bibble
It takes me 40 minutes to get to work, and I have no complaints whatsoever. In fact, I enjoy my commute because it is the first time of my day I can sit back, relax, and listen to some music.

I have to agree here, I love it. However, my 45-75 minute commute depending on traffic is getting to me (and I've been doing t his for 2yrs now).

I'm not sure how I am.. I always used to say I would never do it... but here I am.


Jan 22, 2002
depends on your personality

if its 47 minutes smooth driving then it MAY be tolerable

i personally cannot stand traffic. my commute is less than 5 minutes, yet i still show up to work late ;)


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: zixxer
It's a rather long story, but I left my job about 3 months ago for another job. After 3 days I realized it was absolutely not going to work out and put in my two week (which due to other issues with someone I was hired over they told me to just leave.. basically lots of drama unrelated to me).

They told you to leave because they'd be wasting money letting you stay. Someone who has been with them for 3 days and will be gone in 2 weeks is useless to them. It has nothing to do with "drama unrelated to [you]." :confused:

I decided to try and start my own marketing company (mainly websites for local small businesses) but quickly realized it's something I can and should be doing on the side. It doesn't take up enough of my time and I don't make enough money.

Money is running tight and I've started looking for another job

This is why you don't quit a job until you have another one lined up.

- problem is that most of the places that are hiring are fairly far away (I live 10 min outside atlanta, it seems like many companies are moving even further out). One place I'm fairly interested in has a 47 minute one-way commute.. now this is against traffic, so it truly would be around 47 minutes. I'm at the point where money is running out and I absolutely have to do something soon or things are going to go downhill quickly. I could get a job in retail for a month or so while looking for a better job but I don't really want to 'screw' someone by up and leaving after a month.

Opinions? How far is your commute?

and just fyi - I'm looking for a 'systems admin' or 'information systems analyst' position. I have 6-7 years at the same company being in charge of all network/desktop development from 50 users when I started until ~400 when I left.

My commute is about 7 minutes to work and 15 minutes from work to home. I love it. Not sure why you care how long my commute is, since you won't be doing my commute. Previously I had a 90 minute commute (each way) and a 60 minute commute (each way). Go to the library and check out some audiobooks. It won't kill you.


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: LS20
depends on your personality

if its 47 minutes smooth driving then it MAY be tolerable

i personally cannot stand traffic. my commute is less than 5 minutes, yet i still show up to work late ;)

I'm with you on that. Like I said, 7 minutes to work and 15 home, but I still come in late and leave late to avoid the heavy traffic. If I leave work late enough, it's 7 minutes each way.


Golden Member
Aug 8, 2006
My brother drove 1 hour to work and 1 hour back in rush hour traffic in Dallas. He hated it. He spent a lot on gas, a lot of wear on his car (including a flat tire), and frustration in traffic. If you absolutely have to, do it, otherwise I would advice against it.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006
For about 10 years I commuted into the SF bay area.

Most of the time, the drive was between 75 and 100 miles EACH way. (depended on what job I went to)

My day went something like this: up at 2:30, out the door between 3:30 and 3:45, start work at 6:00, get off work (if it was an easy day) at 5 or 5:30, get home by 8:00 if the commute wasn't too bad...other times it'd be 9:00 p.m. Once I got home, I'd hit the shower and into bed. SOMETIMES I'd have dinner, but only 1-2 nights per Thursday, I'd pass my self going in the opposite direction on the freeway...or so it would seem...I did this 6 days per week MOST weeks, with the occasional 5 day week, although 7 day weeks were more common than the 5 days. FUCK THAT!

Commuting isn't to bad if it's not far or in nasty traffic. 45 minutes shouldn't be horrible, but even that will take a toll on you...and your life/lifestyle.