Jedi Knight II, error after Fyaar battle


Senior member
Jul 15, 2002
I'm not sure if this is the right section for this, but here goes...

After I defeat Fyaar in JKII, there are explosions, the datapad is updated, and a rogue leader contacts Katarn telling him to get out! It also makes a checkpoint. Once the screen stops shaking from the explosions, I can't control Katarn normally. It's like he's floating. Kinda like 'no clipping' but I can't go through walls. It is very difficult to control since he goes in the direction the mouse points, but not immediately. Changing directions is gradual: face an opposite direction, then must wait to slow down and then he'll start going in the other direction.

What's going on??? I tried searching the net a little for this, but didn't find anything. The game has been working just fine til this part. Patch 1.04 is installed. Here's my setup...

ECS K7S5A AMD 1700+
512MB PC2100 Crucial
Radeon 8500 with Omega drivers (cat 3.6)

Anything else needed?


Senior member
Sep 19, 2003
Nothing is going wrong movinslow.

That is just the artificial gravity failing. I thought the same way you did when it first happened to me. It is intentional. And the dificulty is on purpose.

Good Luck with the game! :D


Senior member
Sep 19, 2003
I can't tell you exactly what I did.... It has been too long. But I can tell you, to take your time. No matter what the game makes you feel, there is no time limit. Well, I at least never had the ship blow up with me on it, and I searched the whole base one time.

Also, make frequent use of force healing. You need all your health for the elevator shaft, and the service duct. You can make it through these two areas without taking damage, (I did do it once or twice) but it is too hard. Try your best to get through the electrical discharges without taking any damage, then heal up afterwards. If you are not at full health when you come to these areas, heal up first, then let your force meter build back up again.

Again, good luck! :)