Java vs .NET on mobile solutions


Golden Member
Nov 8, 2002

I was wandering what Java has to offer on the mobile market to rival .NET.

Currently I'm a Java developer, and some time ago I ventured into the J2ME package, and did some nice things for a regular celular phone.

But then, I know that .NET and a PDA with Windows Mobile has a tremendous graphic capability, and it's very easy to produce software to those devices.

What about Java? Doesn't it have a word to say?

I currently enter some restaurant places where employees have PDA that connects to a regular PC on backoffice to register what I want. It's easy to use, nice looking and quick to develop such solution using .NET. What about Java?

Thanks for opinions.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
I can't speak to the actual merits of either platform, but it's probably largely a question of operating system. I assume there are not many mobile operating systems besides windows that support .net and I assume microsoft is doing very little to support jme on windows mobile. I think windows still requires more powerful devices than java-enabled systems.

With jme, I gather that the platform is also a bit splintered because it runs on so many devices and sun hasn't been altogether successful at enforcing a standard api. So long as you're using the right version, I'd bet .net is very uniform across all your targets.

As you can probably tell, I have no expertise in this area and everything I've said is assumption :)