Java Runtime help, PLEASE!


Junior Member
Nov 4, 2004
hey guys.

i'm about to kick this piece.. nevermind

ok i'm having Java problems obviously. i have downloaded and installed the newest version of JRE from Sun Microsystems ( it told me java was successfully installed, yay. i tried the test page on and it tested successfully, but the little figure youre suppose to get only appears for a few seconds then goes away. i have the java icon on the taskbar, and it says in my browser java applet loaded. furthermore, i cant open ANY local java configurations or info. the java control panel comes up, i see the window, but its filled in with grey space, the entire thing. no buttons, options, nothing. this is true for all java windows i can open. starting Java has even CRASHED and rebooted my PC several times. it sucks. here are some screenies from my machine.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
Sorry, I have yet to see this problem. I suppose you could try reinstalling it or do a system restore to the point before you installed the java. Then make sure all your windows updates are done, and then reinstalling. I know some java apps require the .Net Framwork thingy(pretty sure it was java anyways), so you might want to make sure you have the latest version of that as well.


Junior Member
Nov 4, 2004
i installed Microsoft Java Virtual Machine.. its a really old version. it works fine with Java using Internet Explorer. However, i'm a Firefox user of course. anyone have a link to one that will work with FF?