the next time im golfing I'll be sure to look out for camoflauged hunters with air horns!!!
That's it I'm going to see it.
the next time im golfing I'll be sure to look out for camoflauged hunters with air horns!!!
Originally posted by: NutBucket
Oh man, just saw this movie. Pure genius!! I can think of a better way to have spent that 1.5 hours Friday night. Hell, I missed watching the 2nd half of Howard Stern "Its Just Wrong" on E! to go see this.
Originally posted by: BillGates
Originally posted by: NewSc2
i'd rather save my money up for real movies :disgust:
Get in line behind Gonad the Barbarian and Gr1mL0cK for euthanization. You are all an embarrassment to men everywhere.
Originally posted by: FrustratedUser
I must confess.
I was ROTFLMFAOLOL 75% of the movie.