iwill kk266 random freezes, help me!


Oct 4, 2000
i got my board up and running last week, but kept on getting random freezes.. not blue screen, just solid freeze. so i reinstalled win2k, and upon the advice of the forums, moved my sblive! to pci2 i thought this had fixed the problem, but just now it froze again. i was just on im and explorer. so i restart, it checks my drive for inconsistency (or something) and i get back into win2k and check the even log: nothing again. damnit. does anyone know what's going on here? this is starting to get annoying! i have the via 4.29 drivers, the amd agp hotfix, and the microsoft dma hotfix, plus the latest sblive drivers.. i dont' know what to do

and i dont' think this is due to the recall/faulty components.. those were only supposed to affect overclocking, right? (which i haven't tried yet)


Golden Member
Jan 15, 2001
Suggestion: take OUT the SBlive completely. Remove it from your system. Uninstall the SBLive drivers, and then see if you get the freezes. I've seen tons of posts where people are having SBLive problems with any Via motherboard. If you no longer get the freezes, then try the onboard sound support... see if you get freezes then. If not, you have narrowed your problem down the SBlive.

Check out AMDMB, under the Iwill forum. That forum is mainly for our motherboard (KK266) right now, since that is the hot topic. You should be able to find further help under there.