I've got to make a choice...


Senior member
Aug 5, 2000
This will probably be the first of many threads I start as I try to figure out what I am going to do after this semester of college.

Background info:
I am currently attending a small private college in the midwest, and am nearing the end of my 2nd year there (with almost 90 credits). I've always intended this school to be a "stepping stone" towards higher goals, so I've had in my mind that I would transfer from this school ever since I applied there. My primary interest is Computer Science, or a derivative thereof, but I am also currently majoring in math--just because I can (i've got the aptitude). The college I am currently at is definitely NOT a good place to be getting a CompSci degree from, though it is significantly better in the math department.


So I need to find a good college/university to continue my CompSci studies at. But then there's a curve ball. Another possiblity I have is to NOT go to college next semester, but instead get a job in the "industry"--as a 3d artist/level designer. In the past, as a result of some of my community creations, I've had offers to apply to various game companies, but I've always dismissed them as a result of being in school. I feel like I would have a pretty decent chance to "get in" if I were to simply update my portfolio with a few current works.

So, my first question will be: Should I finish up my undergraduate degree now, or should I pursue a career in game development (with the likelyhood that I would finish my degree later on)?


Aug 9, 2002
Finish your degree now. If you go to work the odds of you going back to school aren't so good. If you want to do game development, why not go to that college that teaches it (I can't think of the name right now)?


Senior member
Aug 5, 2000
The only thing is, if I finish my degree NOW, by the time I get out of college, my work (mainly Quake 3 stuff) would be so outdated that it'd be almost pointless to even include it in my portfolio.


Nov 23, 2001
I'm of the school of thought that says that in the computer industry, actual, tangible work experience is far more valuable than a degree in computer science. I would say that if you get a *good* offer, you may well consider putting off the degree for a while for the chance to build your resume. Otherwise, the economy might be in a state where you don't get those offers by the time you finish your degree.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2000
Would it be at all viable to take classes WHILE I have a job in the industry?

Good responses, keep 'em coming.


Oct 9, 2001
Do you really, really want to get into the gaming industry? If that's the case, I'd go for a job there assuming you can get one and it's of a position that appeals to you and on a career path that is open for you. If you only view it as just a job that you could do now rather than continue school, then I'd suggest that you continue school as that will open up more opportunities in the future.

Your POV should be that these kind of decisions should be made as stepping stones towards an ultimate goal.


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Are you nuts? Get the darned bachelor's first, then consider industry. You may be good but there is always someone better. And the chances that those as good as you or better have degrees. You are gonna get outciompeted, outpromoted, and underpaid. Not just that but the social stigmas of having only a high school diploma are going to take their toll. Seriously, its worth the extra wait...


Senior member
Aug 5, 2000
Do you really, really want to get into the gaming industry?... If you only view it as just a job that you could do now rather than continue school

Well, kinda. :) I mean, I think it'd be a *really* cool and interesting experience, but it's not like it is my "life dream." Also, it isn't that I'm in a hurry to get to the "real world," 'cas I actually kinda like school, it is just that I feel like I might be missing an opportunity.

And the chances that those as good as you or better have degrees. You are gonna get outciompeted, outpromoted, and underpaid.

I dunno, this seems like a kind of outdated view. From what I've heard, the only thing a computer-related degree is good for is getting you in the front door of your first job. After that it is experience that counts (is this right?). Therefore, if I were to take a game design job, for one, a CompSci degree wouldn't help anyway since it is a different field, and also I'd be getting up-front experience.


Senior member
Aug 5, 2000
I'm leaving "choice of school" up to another thread. For now I'm just figuring out school or industry, and I'm leaning heavily towards school. :)


Senior member
Aug 5, 2000
Oh, and both of those (ITT Tech/Devry) look like they're online schools, which I don't think I want. I'm sure they're really good schools in their own respect however.