Date: Nov 5th, 12:14PM
Subject: It's OK. You can say the "F" word: Fraud. Documents begin tonight
Source: None of your fscking business..if you're in the know, you'll know where this memo came from
Note: Bev Harris is the executive director of BBV, and PS: she's going on TV with this info
Unless we are hacked out again, we will begin releasing documents this evening. It will be drip drip drip, not a knockout punch.
Very small drips, not because we are trying to stall, but because many of the problem documents beget FOIAs for additional, related documents to rule out the bullshit excuses. In many cases we need to avoid calling attention to what we are looking at until we close the exit doors entirely.
But you can expect interesting reading, though the parts we can release at this time without jeopardizing other stuff will appear nonconclusive.
Heh heh.
Bev Harris
Black Box Voting (.ORG)
P.S. emergency situation in Nevada, certification at 2 p.m. while enough provisionals are uncounted that it may be able to flip the race.
Subject: It's OK. You can say the "F" word: Fraud. Documents begin tonight
Source: None of your fscking business..if you're in the know, you'll know where this memo came from
Note: Bev Harris is the executive director of BBV, and PS: she's going on TV with this info
Unless we are hacked out again, we will begin releasing documents this evening. It will be drip drip drip, not a knockout punch.
Very small drips, not because we are trying to stall, but because many of the problem documents beget FOIAs for additional, related documents to rule out the bullshit excuses. In many cases we need to avoid calling attention to what we are looking at until we close the exit doors entirely.
But you can expect interesting reading, though the parts we can release at this time without jeopardizing other stuff will appear nonconclusive.
Heh heh.
Bev Harris
Black Box Voting (.ORG)
P.S. emergency situation in Nevada, certification at 2 p.m. while enough provisionals are uncounted that it may be able to flip the race.