2 different hard drives in your computer decide to go belly up for no apparent reason except that they were old and they had finally had enough. So long 80GB and 120GB drives I guess when the 120GB went to the junkyard, the 80GB couldn't go on living without him so less than 24 hours later it lied down and gracefully died too. No clicks of death, burning smells, or grinding sounds, just a report of bad sectors and then.... dead.
So now I've just lost almost half of my hard drive space, my last file backup, an entire website in development, and a couple hundred MP3's. DAMN!
What does this teach us kids? That's right, hard drives die when you least expect it and there's nothing you can do about it!
I think I'll go watch a movie that has stuff blowing up in it
So now I've just lost almost half of my hard drive space, my last file backup, an entire website in development, and a couple hundred MP3's. DAMN!
What does this teach us kids? That's right, hard drives die when you least expect it and there's nothing you can do about it!
I think I'll go watch a movie that has stuff blowing up in it